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Communication Tools Main goals of our communications work:

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Presentation on theme: "Communication Tools Main goals of our communications work:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shawnna von Blixen
Communication Tools Main goals of our communications work: Enable you to communicate with each other, build and support this network. Promote the project and your work widely, igniting interest, expanding the network. Spotting and supporting follow-up activities. Shawnna von Blixen

2 Website
Main audience: External, and a resource for project partners and pilot countries Main content: News from meetings, announcing new publications, promoting tweets from partners and pilot countries.

3 Twitter @daphnepromise Main audience: External
Main content: News from meetings, announcing new publications, promoting tweets from partners and pilot countries.

4 LinkedIn Main audience: Internal
Main content: A platform for discussion – not much engagement as of yet, is it worth continuing?

Newsletter Main audience: Internal and external Main content: editorials based on the baseline updates from the Pilot countries, plus other useful information to share

6 Your idea here! Should we have a LinkedIn tutorial, a Twitter tutorial? Should we have Twitter broadcasted on a wall at an upcoming event? We have a webinar as part of the project but we haven’t really defined it yet. Would love input if you have any.

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