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Brett Kormos, MR Melodie Palmer-Zwahlen, MR Alice Low, FB

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1 Brett Kormos, MR Melodie Palmer-Zwahlen, MR Alice Low, FB
PRELIMINARY 2010 RESULTS for Constant Fractional Marking [CFM] of Central Valley Chinook Salmon Brett Kormos, MR Melodie Palmer-Zwahlen, MR Alice Low, FB

2 General Overview of Central Valley CFM Program
CFM Program Objectives To determine and differentiate: Proportions of hatchery and natural-origin returns Stray rates Contribution by release strategy to the ocean harvest Relative survival rates Spring The CFM program was initiated in the spring of 2007 A minimum of 25% of hatchery releases of fall-run Chinook salmon are 1) marked through removal of the adipose fin and 2) are tagged with an internal Coded-Wire Tag (CWT). This represents the constant-fractional marking rate. Fall The first year that all major age-classes of returning adult spawners received 25% CFM.

3 2010 Fall Chinook Natural Area Escapement Hatchery and Natural Proportions
Upper Sacramento Clear Creek Butte Creek Spring N = 99,416 Feather River Natural Yuba River Hatchery American River Mokelumne River Stanislaus River Range = 22-96% Natural Mean = 54% Natural Tuolumne River Merced River

4 2010 Fall Chinook Hatchery Escapement Hatchery and Natural Proportions
Spring Natural Hatchery Fall Fall Fall Range = 5-21% Natural Mean = 14% Natural

5 Central Valley Chinook Salmon CWT Releases Age 3 Inland Recovery Rate
Central Valley Chinook Age 3 CWT Recovery Rate 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 CNFH CNFHn FRHS FRHSn FRHFt FRHFn NIMFtn NIMFn MokF MokFn Release Group Recoveries per 100,000 Released Basin Recovery Stray Recovery CNFH CNFH Fall Basin CNFHn CNFH Fall Net Pens FRHS FRH Spring Basin FRHSn FRH Spring Net Pens FRHFt FRH Fall Trucked FRHFn FRH Fall Net Pens NIMFtn NFH Fall Tiburon Net NIMFn NFH Fall Net Pens MokF MRFI Fall Basin MokFn MRFI Fall Net Pens

6 Central Valley Chinook Salmon CWT Releases Age 3 Ocean Recovery Rate
CA Ocean Fishery Chinook Age 3 CWT Recovery Rate 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 CNFH CNFHn FRHS FRHSn FRHFt FRHFn NIMFtn NIMFn MokF MokFn Release Group Recoveries per 100,000 Released Net Pen Releases Non-Net Pen Releases CNFH CNFH Fall Basin CNFHn CNFH Fall Net Pens FRHS FRH Spring Basin FRHSn FRH Spring Net Pens FRHFt FRH Fall Trucked FRHFn FRH Fall Net Pens NIMFtn NFH Fall Tiburon Net NIMFn NFH Fall Net Pens MokF MRFI Fall Basin MokFn MRFI Fall Net Pens 83% Net Pen 17% Non-Net Pen

7 CFM Program Results Summary
Hatchery escapement is dominated by hatchery-origin Chinook. Natural area escapement is variable. Some streams show a predominance of natural origin fish. Other streams show a predominance of hatchery origin fish, particularly those with hatcheries. Chinook released outside of natal streams stray at a higher rate than Chinook released in natal streams, although these differences may not be significant. In general, Chinook acclimated in Bay net pens survive better than other release strategies. Chinook acclimated and released from Bay net pens contribute at the highest rate to the ocean fishery.

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