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The NADRE services Mr. Mario Torrisi (PI4 – Italy –

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Presentation on theme: "The NADRE services Mr. Mario Torrisi (PI4 – Italy –"— Presentation transcript:

1 The NADRE services Mr. Mario Torrisi (PI4 – Italy – 8 October 2018 – First NADRE Training Workshop – Gondar (Ethiopia)

2 NADRE services’ enablers Repository Agenda Forum Wiki
Outline NADRE services’ enablers Repository Invenio Agenda Indico Forum Discourse Wiki MediaWiki Platform for MOOCs Open edX

3 NADRE services’ enablers

4 Repository

5 What is Invenio? Is an open source digital library framework enabling you to run your own digital repository on the web. Covers all the aspect of digital library management from document ingestion through classification, curation and dissemination Complies with the Open Archive Initiative metadata harvesting protocol (OAI-PMH) and uses MARC 21 as bibliographic standard

6 Invenio purposes & features
Documents are organized in collections and sub-collections A powerful search engine with specially indexes designed to provide Google like search speeds for repositories of up to 10,000,000 records REST API to browse and/or upload records  Customizable batch imports and web submission lines Customizable output display and linking rules

7 Fulfilled requirements and other supportive facts
Open source Distributed under an open license Deployable on a local infrastructure (i.e., not a hosted service) Well supported Scalable, up to 107 records Fully compliant with all most important library standards, such as, for example: DCMI, Marc21 and OAI-PMH Co-developed by an international collaboration comprising institutes such as CERN, DESY, EPFL, FNAL, SLAC and used by tens of scientific institutions worldwide INSPIRE, SCOAP3 and ZENODO (the OpenAIRE flagship archive) repositories are based on Invenio UNESCO and UEMOA are leading an initiative to create a virtual library based on Invenio in 8 African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d' Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo)

8 Invenio vs. other platforms (some references)

9 NADRE Repository

10 Agenda

11 What is Indico? Is a web based event organization platform, from the simplest lecture to the most complex conference Is an open source collaboration hub at the heart of the organization's collaboration strategy Is an archive of event metadata and related documents (minutes, slides, etc.) Started as an European project (2002 – 2004), now is deployed in many institution around the world

12 Indico purposes & features
Manage the whole conference lifecycle Web site management Conference program definition Call for abstract Abstract selection, refereeing Timetable setup Slides and paper submission Attendant registration, payments, badges Paper reviewing Evaluation form Long term archive and proceedings To know more about Indico, visit:  and

13 NADRE Agenda

14 Forum

15 Is a "civilized" discussion platform
What is Discourse? Is an open source discussion platform, that you can use as a mailing list, discussion forum, long-form chat room, and more Is a "civilized" discussion platform “Civilized” means that the community builds a natural immune system to defend itself form bad actors Encourage positive behaviors with likes and badges Most engaged members can assist community administrator Hides all the complexity to the users and puts just the essential on the screen

16 Discourse purposes & features
Conversations, not pages Dynamic notifications when someone mentions you in a conversation Designed for mobile devices Reply wherever you are online or via Encourage positive community behaviours Single Sign On  Social login To know more about Discourse visit: 

17 NADRE Forum

18 Wiki

19 Is a free and open source software wiki package written in PHP
What is MediaWiki? Is a free and open source software wiki package written in PHP Is a collaborative platform which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it Originally designed as CMS form Wikipedia, it is used also by Wikitionary, wikiHow and thousands of other websites

20 MediaWiki purposes & features
Is highly customizable, editing its PHP code or by using extensions Is powerful and extremely scalable Can handle massive server loads, managing contents collaboratively edited by thousands of users Is intended to involve visitors in the process of creation and collaboration To know more about MediaWiki visit: 

21 NADRE Wiki

22 Platform for MOOCs

23 Consists of several modules, the most important ones are:
What is Open edX? Is a free and open source course management system, originally developed by edX Is used all over the world to host Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as well as smaller classes and training modules Consists of several modules, the most important ones are: Open edX Studio (CMS) To build courses Open edX Learning Management System (LMS) Used by learners to access course contents

24 Open edX purposes & features
Different user types with different roles supported  Reporting and analytics Level of education Student gradebook Instructor dashboard Etc. Open edX Content Management Studio (CMS) tool with advanced course content creation and management features To know more about Open edX, visit:  and

25 NADRE Platform for MOOCs

26 Thank you! አመሰግናለሁ!

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