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Unit 1 Notes.

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1 Unit 1 Notes

2 Key Topic: Scientific Method Is about…
How we do labs and experiments Main Idea 1:__Measurement_____ *unit and number *density= mass/volume Main Idea 2:_Steps______ Ask a Question->Research->Hypothesis->Experiment->Draw Conclusions & Analyze Results->Report Results (if it valids) Main Idea 3:Parts of the Experiment__ Observation- uses senses Inference-explanation of observation *Theory- explains observations *Law-fact (proven) *Independent Variable: manipulated by experimenter *Dependent Variable: result of the experiment *Control: experiment without independent change *Constants: stay the same So what is most important about Scientific Investigation? Extend: Coin Density Lab

3 How we explore Earth’s surface.
Map Concepts Is about…. How we explore Earth’s surface. Coordinates Direction Technology Main Idea 1:_Coordinates__ *Latitude- 90N to 90S *Longitude- 180 E ,W =International Date Line 15 longitude= 1 hr. time zone Map scale I l Main Idea 2: ___Types____ 2nd Mercator-parallel longitude (big Greenland) *conic- weather & roads *gnomonic- water routes Main Idea 3: _Technology___ *GPS (uses satellites to pin point location) *remote sensing *LandSAT *Topex/posiden So what is most important? Finding location on Earth. Extend: Using world map. What is the latitude of Richmond, VA?

4 *geosphere (crust, mantle, core) *cryosphere *hydrosphere *atmosphere
… is about How to study Earth and its components NEW SELF TEST QUESTIONS Intro to Earth Science and mapping Area of Earth Science Maps By examining *Oceanography *Geology *Astronomy *Meteorology *biosphere; *geosphere (crust, mantle, core) *cryosphere *hydrosphere *atmosphere *lithosphere & asthenosphere By *longitude-E & W -Prime Meridian -15* time zones -International Date Line (180*) *Latitude- N & S of Equator *Mercator *Gnomonic *Robinson *Conic *Topographic- elevation -contour -depression- hachures -profile By investigating Scientific Method 4th *density= mass/volume *mass- grams (g) *Volume- mL *mass constant *constants *control *Independent-you change *dependent- experiment changes *graphs 1. What are the real world applications of this information?

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