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Unit 4.2 Current as of 04/11/18.

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1 Unit 4.2 Current as of 04/11/18

2 Israel is Born Publicly the Zionist leadership accept the Plan.
Though, they had hoped to expand the borders assigned to the Jewish state. Arabs and the Arab Palestinians reject the plan and fighting breaks out between the Arab and Jewish residents almost immediately after the Adoption of the UN Plan.

3 Israel is Born May 15 , 1948 British evacuate Palestine
Zionists Proclaim the State of Israel Hostility from the Arab states leads neighboring Arab States (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan and Iraq) to invade Israel. These Arab states thought they could take on the Israeli forces, but were mistaken because the Jewish state had been gearing up their army for some time now.

4 War of In the course of the war, Zionists not only managed to hold all of the areas assigned to them by the UN They seize part of the land designated for the Palestinian state as well. The Palestinian Arab state envisioned by the UN Partition Plan was never established.

5 Results of the War The Palestinian refugee problem really arises as result of this war. 700,000 Palestinians voluntarily flee their homes in the newly created state. They did this to avoid the upcoming war and clear room for the invading Arab states. The Arab states promised them they could go back and take control of the land once they push out the Jews.

6 Result: Arab and Israeli War of 1948-1949

7 What is going on in the conflict after the First War of 1948-1949?
The Country known as, Palestine was now divided into three parts. The boundaries between them were the Armistice lines (The Green Lines) The State of Israel encompassed over 77 percent of the territory.

8 Arab control in Israel Jordan occupied East Jerusalem and the hill country of the West Bank. Egypt took control of the coastal plain of the Gaza Strip.

9 Map of Israel after 1949 War

10 The Conflict Continued
Although there was an Armistice between Israel and the Arab states, the conflict continued and the region remained imperiled by the prospect of another war. The sense of the conflict was fueled by perceived historical and recent injustice to the Palestinian Arab cause a spiraling arms race, as countries built up their military resources and prepared for another showdown.

11 After the War The Israelis have a lot more land and took land that was going to be given to the Palestinians in the UN Partition Plan. The Palestinians are forced to flee their homes and hundreds of thousands are now refugees forced to flee to neighboring Arab States. Refugee Camps sprout up everywhere with animosity toward the Jewish State of Israel brewing within.

12 Important things to Consider in the Conflict
You start to see the Superpowers of the world emerge in the conflict. Why ? Why has Israel been so successful in the conflict, thus far? How do you think oil is going to play a part in this conflict?

13 More questions to consider
As the Conflict progresses why do think there is a Arab suspicion of the West and particularly of the US? What’s going to happen to the thousands of misplaced Palestinian Refugees?

14 Beginning today we examine in detail these conflicts
The Suez Crisis “War of 1956” The Six Day War of 1967 The 1973 Yom Kippur War

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