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Flat PLANS By Karley Myall.

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Presentation on theme: "Flat PLANS By Karley Myall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flat PLANS By Karley Myall

2 Main image in center, over the whole page.
FrONT COVER  Magazine Title Headline Magazine Information Main image in center, over the whole page. Magazine information Barcode  Issue number

3 Advertisement and content page.
Title 'Content'  Logo of advertisement. Headline Headline Image for advert in center.  Subheading and content on page Image Click to add text Website link Page number 

4 Double page spread: DIY page.
TITLE  Image  Image  Information Information Image  Image  Information Information Image  Image  Information Information Image  Image  Information Information Page Number

5 Double page spread: facts and images from peers.
TITLE Image Image Information Information Image Information Image Information Image Image Information Information Page number

6 Double page spread: different breeds.
TITLE Image Image Image Image Information Information Information Information Image Image Image Image Information Information Information Information Page number

7 Quiz and adoption agency page.
TITLE TITLE Headline Questions Images Answers Images Contact details Page number

8 Contact and competition page.
TITLE Image Details Information Image Details Collage of images Image Details Image Details Information Image Details Image Details Page number

9 What's in next week's issue?
Back Cover TITLE What's in next week's issue? Images

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