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PHILIPPINE PEDIATRIC SOCIETY Southern Tagalog Chapter Officers and Board Members President Rizalina R. H. Gonzalez, MD Vice-President Bibiano DB Reyes,Jr MD Secretary Corazon A. Omalin, MD Asst. Secretary Emeline Olaivar, MD Treasurer Rowena A. Pua, MD Asst. Treasurer May Salome C. Abad, MD PRO Natalia P. Cardona, MD Immediate Past President : Cristina P. Magno, MD Board Members Lea V. Umil, MD Amabelle Cruz, MD Rochelle B. Pacifico,MD Glenda Marquino,MD Maita C. Cruz, MD Ramil I. Badajos, MD Laura A. Aguinaldo, MD Cristina G. Murallon,MD Island Representatives Marinduque Linda Amor L. Lavares, MD Palawan Leo M. Valderrama MD Romblon Joy V . Rovillos MD Mindoro Occidental Ma. Teresa V. Tan, MD Mindoro Oriental Rolando C. Marquez, MD A Chapter Initiated CME In cooperation with Nestle Philippine Pediatric Society, Inc. Southern Tagalog Chapter cordially invites you to our 33rd PPS-STC Anniversary CME And Holy Mass “Matters of the Heart” “Kawasaki’s Disease: Through the Years” By Regente I. Lapak,MD,FPPS Pediatric Cardiologist “Hello Mr.Jones! Rheumatic Fever Revisited” …… “Please be careful with your heart: The Pediatrician’s Wellness In Focus!” Marian Manalo,MD, Adult Cardiologist February 10, 2013(Sunday) 9:00-2;00 PM San Pablo City, Laguna ____________________________ (This serves as an invitation)

2 P R O G R A M M E ANNIVERSARY HOLY MASS The Philippine Pediatric
INVOCATION, NATIONAL ANTHEM AND PPS HYMN OPENING REMARKS ………………….. Rizalina RH Gonzalez, MD,FPPS PPS-STC President INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKERS………. ,MD,DPPS SCIENTIFIC MEETING PROPER “Kawasaki’s Disease: Through the Years” By Regente I. Lapak,MD,FPPS Pediatric Cardiologist “Hello Mr.Jones! Rheumatic Fever Revisited” …… LUNCH “Please be careful with your heart: The Pediatrician’s Wellness In Focus!” Marian Manalo,MD, Adult Cardiologist OPEN FORUM……………………………….., MD,DPPS Moderator AWARDING OF CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION CLOSING REMARKS…………………..Bibiano DB Reyes,Jr,MD,FPPS,FPAPP PPS-STC Vice-President EMCEE Corazon Omalin,MD ,FPPS PPS-STC Secretary ANNIVERSARY HOLY MASS 1 The Philippine Pediatric Society, Inc. Hymn Pediatricians we are Gathered here and afar Called to offer our lives for a cause For our children we strive To sustain health and life Dedicated we rise to this cause To the call we respond With one vision we bond All the children of the land We vow to serve and far beyond For God’s tender loving hand We proudly stand Words and Music by Leo Quinitio

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