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Good morning 9.27.2017 Come in and sit down. We will be skipping our reading today to get straight into book reports.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning 9.27.2017 Come in and sit down. We will be skipping our reading today to get straight into book reports."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning Come in and sit down. We will be skipping our reading today to get straight into book reports.

2 Today! 1. Book Reports 2. Choose a new book for the second six weeks
3. Check it out with me 4. Read the first chapter and write a summary in your notebook.

3 Book Reports I will go through the list alphabetically. If you do not have a report to turn in when I call you, you will do an oral report or take a zero. I will not accept late work.

4 Oral book reports You must speak for 3-5 minutes. You may use notes.
Topics to cover: Summary of your book, characters and their personalities, an excerpt from the book, details about the author, anything interesting about the book, any questions the class may have.

5 New six weeks? New book! Now that we have finished book reports, we will choose our new book for the six weeks. When you have chosen your new book, come sign it out. You will be allowed to take this home, but it is your responsibility. You lose it or damage it, you pay to replace it.

6 Once you have chosen your new book
Sign it out with me Read the first chapter and write a summary in your notebook. We will read until the end of class.

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