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Printing and packaging with plastic

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1 Printing and packaging with plastic

2 Learning Objectives To learn the key printing processes used in packaging design. Success Criteria: To be able to describe the key processes: Screen printing Flexography Lithography Gravure

3 Printing There are several common techniques used for printing on paper and card: Screen Printing is the simplest. - Mesh is used to support an ink-blocking stencil. - The attached stencil forms open areas of mesh, and a squeegee is moved across the screen forcing ink through the mesh in the open areas. video

4 Screen Printing: Key Facts
Printing through a mesh screen. High quality finish on fabrics and paper or card. Low set-up costs. Slow process, usually used for short print runs.

5 Flexography uses a relief image on thin, flexible printing plates made of rubber.
Flexography can be used to print on materials such as cellophane, polythene and metallic films. It is often used to print plastic shopping bags. It is also used to print newspapers and paperback books.

6 Flexography: Key Facts
Printing using rubber printing plates. Quality finish on a wide variety of materials including plastics and metal films. Medium set-up costs. Quick process, usually used for short to medium print runs.

7 Lithography is the most common form of commercial printing.
A printing plate with a relief image is dampened with water and then coated with ink. The ink only sticks to the parts of the plate that are not wet with water. The printing plate is fixed to a roller and the image is transferred onto paper fed under the roller. Lithography is used for medium and long print runs of products such as magazines, posters, packaging and books. Video

8 Lithography: Key Facts
Printing using water on metal printing plates. Quality finish on paper and card. Low set-up costs, but very expensive machinery. Very fast process, usually used for high volume print runs.

9 Gravure printing is used for long, high-quality print runs such as magazines, mail-order catalogues, packaging, and printing onto fabric and wallpaper In gravure printing, the image is made up of small holes sunk in the surface of the printing plate. The holes are filled with ink and any excess is removed. Paper comes into contact with the ink in the holes when it is pressed against the plate. Video

10 Gravure Printing: Key Facts
Printing using etched copper printing drums. High quality finish on paper and card. Medium set-up costs, very expensive machinery. Very fast process, usually used for high volume print runs of quality publications eg. Glossy magazines and books.

11 Plastics in Packaging Blister packaging Skin packaging Blow moulding
Research the following manufacturing processes: Blister packaging Skin packaging Blow moulding How does it work? What plastics are used? Example products? Images of the processes and examples?

12 Plastics in Packaging Blister packaging is inexpensive, durable, transparent, and tamper-proof. Clear plastic blister packs are used in conjunction with either a cardboard backboard or inlay to enable the customer to examine the product. The blister cavity is vacuumed-formed to fit the product.


14 Skin packaging involves sealing a product between a layer of heated plastic and a layer of adhesive coated paper. The oven heats the plastic for a pre-set time, the frame lowers and the vacuum is activated, pulling the plastic down over the product. The hot plastic melts the adhesive and the card and plastic are bonded together.

15 Blow Moulding Blow moulding a shape is a common industrial process. The example shown below is of the production of a plastic bottle. The plastics normally used in this process are; polythene, PVC and polypropylene.

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