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Lily Canter, PhD student, The University of Sheffield

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1 Lily Canter, PhD student, The University of Sheffield
The source, the resource and the collaborator: The role of citizen journalism in UK local newspapers Lily Canter, PhD student, The University of Sheffield

2 “There is a role for professional journalism and a role for citizen journalism. The future belongs to both. It is not an either/or.” Keith Perch, Editor Leicester Mercury, May 2011

3 Leicester Mercury Citizens’ Eye Established as a newspaper 1874 Established 2008 as a website Flagship Northcliffe Media newspaper and website (DMGT Group) Community news: Reporting by the people (independent) Newspaper readership: 54,000 Website monthly unique users: 388,000 (ABC figures , March 2011) Website views: 20,000 a month Local news in Leicester + surrounding area Issue related news in Leicestershire 60 editorial staff 450 volunteers

4 Theoretical framework
Economic vs civic conflicts (Jenkins, 2008; Ornebring, 2008; Haas, 2007, Habermas, 1989) Contemporary role of the gatekeeper Retaining gatekeeping via moderation (Hermida and Thurman, 2008; Ornebring, 2008; Deuze, 2006;) Redefining gatekeepers as sense-makers (Singer, 2010; Newman, 2009) Sharing the gates (Paulussen, 2007; Gillmor, 2006)

5 Community reporter roles
Source Collaborator Resource

6 Pilot collaboration model (RQ1)
WAVE supplement Branded weekly page Branded newspaper content Website content Text Video Audio Photos Citizens’ Eye feeding Leicester Mercury brands

7 Rules of engagement (RQ3)
Leicester Mercury Citizens’ Eye Journalist moderation Setting own news agenda Accuracy upheld Responsible for checks Branded as citizen journalism Flexibility over style No automatic right to publication Cover unreported news Hard news covered by journalists May complement hard news coverage High level reporting Low level reporting Court cases Charity/community events City council meetings Ward meetings Investigative journalism Self-interest news Major events and breaking news* Experts * These can be complemented by citizen journalists providing additional material such as eyewitness accounts, video, audio and photography

8 Hard news followed up by journalists (resource becomes source)
News desk dictate page no. Sub editor writes headlines Branded as citizen journalism News agenda set by Citizens’ Eye Photos by Citizens’ Eye Low level reporting Self interest news Flexibility in style

9 Complementary collaboration
“It is not about replacing professional journalists it is about supporting them.” John Coster, Editor Citizens’ Eye, May 2011

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