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“The Big Pivot” What is it?.

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Presentation on theme: "“The Big Pivot” What is it?."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Big Pivot” What is it?

2 The Business Case For Massive Change
General Electric 1982 – Productivity, innovation and globalization were the way to win. 80% of GE revenue was from US 2018 – 70% of GE revenue is global, with customers in more than 180 countries

3 That Change is Difficult and Disruptive
“You would think that companies like GE that give people good jobs, make good products, and contribute to their communities would be valued. That governments would try to nurture growth and address big problems, like income inequality and unemployment. That global integration would be seen as a force for good and would continue to grow. You would be wrong. Today, big companies are distrusted; governments and global institutions are failing to address the world’s challenges…”

4 Adopting Sustainable Strategies Makes Sense
In Pakistan, GE’s analytics improve energy efficiency and expanding capacity. In India, GE can use the internet to deliver healthcare to remote regions. In China, engine analytics are improving airline productivity. Every industrial company must also be a digital leader. The next wave of competitiveness….is digital leadership. We accelerate growth by solving local problems. We can make the world work better when we innovate to solve problems with local capability. Our GE technologists around the world have come up with new ways to produce cleaner energy that’s more accessible and to give remote communities access to healthcare. Solutions from the developing world improve outcomes in developed markets.

5 Enter Strategic CSR – Today’s Profitable Businesses Look Like This
Purpose – having a societal purpose beyond profit maximization that galvanizes the organization to make a substantive positive difference in the world, and which describes how the business creates value both for business and society (eg Nestlé, Tesla) Plan – a comprehensive plan to embed sustainability throughout the business (Unilever, Marks & Spencer) Culture – an innovative, empowering, open and accountable culture which enables all other attributes (Nike, Natura) Collaboration – the skill and will to identify and undertake collaboration in support of the purpose and plan (IKEA through coalitions like the Consumer Goods Forum and the Sustainable Apparel Coalition) And finally, Advocacy – an advocacy approach characterized by speaking up and speaking out for sustainable development policies, norms and behaviors, and broader systemic change (Interface, Patagonia, Nike).

6 The Fits and Starts of Sustainable Progress…
Fortune, May 24, 2018 By Geoff Colvin What the Hell Happened at GE? Few corporate meltdowns have been as swift and dramatic as General Electric’s over the past 18 months—but the problems started long before that. Bloomberg Business Week How GE Went From American Icon to Astonishing Mess Famous for great management, General Electric is staring down a plunging share price, a federal investigation, and possible breakup.

7 “Managing for Sustainability” - Today’s Problems Won’t Be Solved With Old Ways Of Thinking
See Failure as Opportunities to Build Better, Be Better Become a Systems Thinker Who Respects Challenges

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