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Setting the Stage for Federal Action on Medicaid Reform June 6, 2006

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1 Setting the Stage for Federal Action on Medicaid Reform June 6, 2006
Debbie I. Chang , Senior Vice President Nemours Foundation and Executive Director Nemours Health and Prevention Services

2 Medicaid Is a Key Payer of a Wide Range of
Services Sources: “Medicaid and the Uninsured, Medicaid Spending Growth” Vernon Smith e. al, Kaiser; “Health Spending and Future of Medicaid,” remarks Alan Weil, sponsor Health Affairs; and AARP Beyond 50, 2003 from GAO.

3 Elderly and People with Disabilities Account for 70% of Medicaid Spending
Total = 55 million people Total = $234 billion *Total expenditures exclude administrative expenses, vaccines for children, DSH, and other provider payments. Source: Kaiser Foundation, “The Medicaid Program at a Glance” Fact Sheet, 2006.

4 4 Out of 10 Medicaid Dollars are Spent on Medicare Beneficiaries
Total Medicaid Expenditures = $267 billion “Dual” Eligibles 40% Source: Urban Institute estimates based on data from the Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) and Medicaid Financial Management Reports prepared for the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Cindy Mann

5 “A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.”
Albert Einstein

6 Sources of Growth in Federal Medicaid Expenditures, 2001-2002
$9.0 billion 38% $2.3 billion $2.1 billion 48% 57% 62% 43% 52% $15.7 Billion Increase Source: Kaiser Foundation, “The Medicaid Program at a Glance” Fact Sheet, 2003

7 Medicaid Expenditures by Eligibility Group and Type of Service, 1998
Optional Services for Groups States Are Required to Cover 21% Mandatory Services for Groups States Are Required to Cover 35% Optional Expenditures 65% All Services for Optional Groups 44% Total = $154 billion NOTE: Expenditures do not include DSH payments, administrative costs, or accounting adjustments. Source: Urban Institute estimates, based on data from Federal fiscal year 1998 HCFA 2082 and HCFA-64 reports, 2001.

8 States have Pursued Many Reforms
Cost-Sharing Increases: Impose premiums or non-nominal cost-sharing for services Preferred Drug Lists & Supplemental Rebates: Shift beneficiaries to lower-cost drugs and negotiate additional rebates from manufacturers Multi-State Purchasing Pools: Increase state negotiating leverage by collectively purchasing prescription drugs Limited Benefits and Benchmark Plans: Provide slimmer or enhanced benefits to targeted populations Premium Assistance: Medicaid pays premiums for beneficiaries to enroll in ESI Coverage Expansions: Provide Medicaid coverage for expansion populations (e.g. childless adults) LTC Integration Projects & HCBS: Improve coordination of care for dual eligible beneficiaries and Medicaid beneficiaries receiving LTC services Medicaid Managed Care: Provide some or all Medicaid services through capitated MCOs Chiquita White, Senior Manager, Avalere Health, LLC, June 4th

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