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Agenda Roll call Peer review of drafts

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Roll call Peer review of drafts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Roll call Peer review of drafts
Communication models: components of communication Futura exercise and discussion

2 Peer review of drafts Audience: tone, completeness of explanation
Organization: transitions, paragraphing Content: clarity of points, appropriateness of support Usage: word choice, mechanics

3 Components of communication: Context
What is the corporate or country culture? Norms, values Typical documents or forms of expression What influences your own perspective? Past experiences What is the situation? Routine or unusual Is the message internal or external?

4 Components of communication: Sender
Who sends the message? You? A group? Another individual? What assumptions and inferences does the sender hold about the message? What assumptions does the sender hold about the receiver? (Personal or professional)

5 Components of communication: Message
Symbols used to communicate Words Graphics Gestures Format Content Objective

6 Components of communication: Medium (Channel)
Oral Formal speech or presentation Conversation Phone call or voice mail Written Memo or letter or fax Report, proposal, or other formal genre

7 Components of communication: Receiver
Who gets the message? An individual or a group? Primary and secondary receivers What assumptions or inferences does the receiver hold about the message? What assumptions or inferences does the receiver hold about the sender(s)? (Personal or professional)

8 Components of communication: Feedback
Oral or written? Solicited or unsolicited? How will it be used? For more information on the components of communication, see chart, p. 15

9 Futura Case discussion
Continue your discussion in your groups of the Futura Case Answer the questions on the third page as a group Turn in your work (all names on it)

10 Assignment Complete the Baseline Evaluation Portfolio for Thursday
Remember, you need all three parts: Biographical statement (one to two paragraphs) Business writing sample Self analysis memo (one page or less)

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