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Dr. Elizabeth M. Anthony Humanities Department FSTPi, UTHM

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1 Dr. Elizabeth M. Anthony Humanities Department FSTPi, UTHM
PROGRESS REPORT Dr. Elizabeth M. Anthony Humanities Department FSTPi, UTHM

2 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT Written to inform a supervisor, associate or customer about progress made. The project can be:- the design, construction or repair of something, the study or research of a problem or the gathering of information on a technical subject. Written when it takes well over three or four months to complete a project.

3 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT In a progress report you explain any one or all of the following: How much of the work is complete; What part of the work is currently in progress; What work remains to be done; What problems or unexpected things,if any, have arisen; How the project is going in general.

4 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT THE FUNCTIONS: Reassure recipients that you are making progress, that the project is going smoothly and that it will be complete by the expected date. Provide the recipients with a brief look at some of the findings or some of the work of the project. Give the recipient a chance to evaluate your work on the project and to request changes. Force you to establish a work schedule so that you will complete the project on time.

5 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT TIMING & FORMAT In a year-long project,there are customarily three progress reports. Depending on the size of the progress report, the length and importance of the project & the recipient, it can take the following forms:

6 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT TIMING & FORMAT cont ... Memo - a short, informal report to someone within your organisation. Letter - a short, informal report sent to someone outside your organisation. Formal report - a long, formal report sent to someone outside your organisation.

7 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT ORGANISATIONAL PATTERNS - Combine two of these organisational strategies: time periods, project tasks or report topics. Time Periods - work accomplished in the preceding period(s) - work currently being performed - work planned for the next period(s)

8 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT ORGANISATIONAL PATTERNS cont … Project Tasks - practically every project breaks down into individual tasks: Project Individual tasks Building municipal Measuring community interest ball parks on city Locating suitable property owned land Clearing the property Designing the bleachers, fences, etc.

9 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011
PROGRESS REPORT ORGANISATIONAL PATTERNS cont … Report Topics - Organise your progress report according to the work done on the sections of the final report. - Explain the work you have done, the work you are currently doing and the work you have planned.

10 Copyright@alice/fstpi/2011

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