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Solar System Treks Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling

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1 Solar System Treks Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling
Brian Day and Emily Law Solar System Treks Lunar and Planetary Mapping and Modeling June 8, 2017

2 Student Mars HLS2 Project
For the second year, K-12 students in local schools and afterschool programs became adept at using Mars Trek, learned key criteria in the Mars Human Landing Site Selection (HLS2) process, and developed their own proposals for landing sites. The students conducted their own downselect of proposed sites, and in the year’s culminating event, 40 students presented their proposed sites to an audience of their families and SSERVI staff in the NASA Ames Space Science Auditorium, in a meeting patterned after the NASA HLS2 meeting in Houston. The program was organized and run by local educators trained on Mars Trek and inspired by the online videos of the HLS2 meeting. For more information contact: Brian Day: A student team simulated the formation of Mars rampart craters at Ames, supporting their proposed landing site The student HLS2 presentations at NASA Ames

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