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Peer Editing.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Editing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Editing

2 Goal Our goal is to have each student turn in the best work possible.
Help our neighbors get a better grade Make the story more exciting Correct mistakes

3 You will need… Pencil Pen
Marker or Colored Pencil (Purple, Blue, or Black) Marker or Colored Pencil (Green, Yellow, or Orange) Your Flash Fiction Story to trade

4 First Read Through Switch your paper with a partner. Use a PENCIL
Read through your partner’s Flash Fiction Story. Circle the TWIST in pencil. Go back through the story and circle where there were hints of the TWIST throughout the story. At the end of the story, write about their TWIST. Is it a solid twist? Why? Does it make sense with the rest of the paper? Were there enough hints? Help them make the best TWIST possible!

5 Second Read Through Find a new partner to trade with
Use a MARKER (Purple, Blue, or Black) Read through the whole story. Look at each sentence individually. Is it a full sentence? Can it stand alone? Is it properly punctuated? IF NO, underline it. IF YES, leave it. Make 2 helpful comments at the end of the paper.

6 Third Read Through Trade your classmate’s paper with a new person
Use a MARKER (Green, Yellow or Orange) Read through the whole story. Look specifically at DIALOGUE. Fix any punctuation mistakes. Make comments near the DIALOGUE. Is the dialogue strong enough? (could the story live without it? If Yes, then stronger dialogue needed!!!) Is there enough dialogue (at least 4 sections)? How could they fix it?

7 There their they’re too two to
There = place Their = ownership/possession They’re = they are Two = 2 Too = a lot, very, also To = to a place, before a verb

8 Fourth Read Through Trade again  Use a PEN.
Read through the whole story. Make 2 positive comments about the storyline. (NOT THEIR GRAMMAR!) Underline each THERE, THEIR, THEY’RE and TO, TWO, TOO in the story. Cross out and fix them if needed.

9 Finally….back to the owner
Get your paper back and read through the corrections. Exit Pass: On the bottom or back of your story, write what you will be doing to fix these problems by Monday’s due date. Show Miss Swanson this on your way out today.

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