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EC BIAC & MBB Costs Studies

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1 EC BIAC & MBB Costs Studies
EaPeReg possibilities EaPeReg Benchmarking EWG 20-21 February 2017, Georgia Bogdan Vasilescu Head of Statistical Data Unit Economic Regulation Division

2 EU BIAC & MBB Costs Studies
Used for monitoring FBB & MBB costs in the EU and for comparison with some non-EU countries (Norway, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Canada, USA etc.) 1 BIAC yearly study 1 MBB Costs yearly study Carried out for the European Commission by specialized research companies, on the basis of a contract for several years

3 EU Methodology Agreed between the EC & research company
Basket approach – least expensive offer used as the key indicator for all the analyses at EU, country and ISP level Selection of ISPs: top ISPs are selected based on the number of subscribers (i.e. markets share) Selection of offers: public offers from ISP’s websites, for residential subscribers (special categories like students or retired people are out of scope), both standalone and bundled offers Technologies: xDSL, FTTx, cable, Ethernet, satellite, fixed WiMax, fixed homezone (via 3G, 4G or LTE) Tariffs converted to EUR/PPP, VAT included

4 Steps Step 1: development of the methodology (EC & company)
Step 2: validation of the list of operators to be covered by the study (NRA) Step 3: data collection from operator’s websites – save the original webpages/PDF files (company) Step 4: validation of the set of data collected (NRA) Step 5: data processing & report (company) Step 6: validation of the country profile (NRA) Step 7: validation & publication of the final report (EC)

5 BIAC vs. MBB BIAC MBB Data collection spreadsheet used 218 columns
Operators min. 2 – max. 5 (90% as of FBB subscriptions) min. 2 – max. 3 (70% as of active MBB SIM cards) Data collection September-October February Validation by NRA November-December March-April Report published September October

6 NRAs implication Validation of the list of operators to be covered by the study very simple, it only takes few minutes if data available Validation of the set of data collected each offer’s characteristics and the assumptions made by the research company are verified huge workload, depending on the complexity of the offers in the national market it takes from 1 man-week up to 4 man-weeks Validation of the country profile should take 1-3 working days per item

7 EaPeReg options All research has to be done by the BEWG members
1 study per year, alternatively (results every 2 years for each category: FBB and MBB) is feasible EU Methodology to be followed closely Data collection approximately in the same time as in the EU, for better international comparison Report should be finalized after the EC publishes the EU report, in order to add comparisons with EU averages or several Member States results

8 PROPOSAL for 2017 work: MBB Costs study
If considered as necessary: all BEWG members implication for data collection is mandatory at least 2 drafters are needed to run the whole process, especially for data validation & processing, as well as for drafting the report and country profiles Action Responsible Timeline 1 Drafters team, adoption of methodology Co-Chairs March 2 Data collection All members April 3 Data processing & validation Drafters May-June 4 Drafting the Report & country profiles July-September 5 Validation and comments on the Report & country profiles October 6 Implementing the comments November 7 Final full Report approval Plenary

9 Thank you!

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