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PBIS Products Keeping Track.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS Products Keeping Track."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS Products Keeping Track

2 Outcomes Teams will create products with steps of implementation
Teams will archive products created

3 You will create “products” with most of the steps of implementation
Steps & Products You will create “products” with most of the steps of implementation

4 Archiving Keep track of the products you team creates because most likely your team membership will change! Archiving builds capacity and sustainability.

5 Examples of how to keep track
Binders Teacher Pool/Shared Folders Google Folders What other ideas do you have?

6 Access where your team is at with creating your products
Use this: Products Checklist

7 Use the Checklist Organize and review the following materials (notes from gallery walk, TFI results, Action Plans and Products Checklist).

8 Product Check-List / Double Check
Any items from the check-list need to be added to your action plan? How will you create and organize “products” for future use? (Think coming back after summer / orienting new team members)

9 Team Action Planning / Networking
Remaining time to work as a team Please visit other tables to network and cooperatively solve identified issues

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