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Roles and responsibilities working for your local council

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1 Roles and responsibilities working for your local council
Liz Howlett, Solicitor

2 Roles and responsibilities 2. The Law – powers and duties
Three sessions Roles and responsibilities Who does what? The clerk The councillors The chairman The council How you work together 2. The Law – powers and duties What can you do? The council as a creature of statute Powers Duties Section 137 General power of competence Planning 3. Making decisions How do you do it? Meetings Agendas Conduct of meetings Standing Orders Minutes Rights of public and press Access to information Defamation

3 The Clerk – the “engine” of an effective parish council
Employee Professional Contract of employment Job description Different issues depending on size of authority Proper officer Responsible financial officer Derived from Latin “clericus” and meant scholar, someone who could read and write Council manager?

4 The Role of the clerk In the job description…..
Management and organisation of the council Ensuring decisions of council are carried out Delegated decision making Independent and objective Keep council legal and up to date Not answerable to individual councillors

5 The clerk at a glance Expert in local government procedure
Project manager Facilities manager People manager Financial officer Records manager – HMRC; FOI Public relations There is a lot of help out there! Online sector specific learning tool “Introduction to Local Council Administration” from slcc

6 Role of councillors Attend meetings
Take part and engage in constructive debate Maintain proper standards of behaviour –”public” interest not private interest Community role – know your community, respond, champion their needs, represent the council Seek “best value” for the precept Managing public money (trustee)

7 The chairman Role in meetings Representative role Statutory role
Election of chairman is first business to be transacted Responsible for ensuring clear, lawful decisions Keep discussions moving Sum up Casting vote Absence (Vice Chairman) Public face of council Civic functions Quoted in media Promote council

8 The chairman and councillors
Teamwork – no councillor, or chairman, can act alone It is not an executive role “A parish council shall consist of the chairman and parish councillors” s.14(1) LGA 1972 The Chairman should ensure other councillors are being developed A Vice Chairman? Provides cover, another viewpoint and succession planning

9 The Council as a corporate body
Created by statute A “legal” person Can own land, enter contracts, be party to legal proceedings and be custodian trustee Financial accountability Corporate responsibility for decisions

10 How you work together Clerk and Council Clerk and Chairman
Employer/employee relationship (individual councillors are NOT the employer) Collective responsibility for employment issues (individual councillors can breach employment law) Council needs procedures (disciplinary, grievance). Code of Conduct Good working relationship is critical Mutual trust and respect Plan agendas together Both must keep each other informed about actions taken Both must remember to express views of council Clerk in Kent awarded £ after alleging that Chairman and other councillors had harassed and intimidated her and that the Council had failed to deal with her grievance properly. Chairman was found to have created a “hostile, intimidating and offensive environment” and the council had failed to deal with a valid grievance in a timely and efficient manner.

11 Useful sources of information
NALC published in October 2013 “Local councils EXPLAINED” £49.99 (plus postage) to members. Includes updated model standing orders The 9th edition of Charles Arnold-Baker’s “Local Council Administration” was published in June Published by LexisNexis and selling for £82 (SLCC members £60). Society of Local Council Clerks – professional body representing clerks to over 4200 councils Clerks’ Manual (300 looseleaf, A5 pages), £ (inserts only) to members,

12 Any Questions?

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