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150th NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable: Summary Panel 1

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1 150th NE Electricity Restructuring Roundtable: Summary Panel 1
May 18, 2016

2 New England Electricity Related Successes
Hogan Tierney Fox-Penner Cowart Howe Overall Wholesale Market Design X Spot Market Design/LMPs Scarcity Pricing Capacity Market Evolution Demand Response Independent System Operator & Market Monitor Reliability Electricity Policies Based on Market Principles RGGI Energy Efficiency Environmental Improvement/ Cleaner Generation (Natural Gas & Renewables) Affordable Electricity (Bills) Cape Wind (cancellation)

3 New England Electricity Related Failures/Short-Comings/Disappointments
Hogan Tierney Fox-Penner Cowart Howe Capacity Markets X Transmission Optimization/Cost Allocation Lack of Carbon Pricing Siting of Renewables Inconsistent Policies Politicizing Energy Issues Gas-Fired Generation (future) Premature Nuclear Retirements Clean Energy Supports Out-of-Market Uplifts Retail Competition/Services

4 New England Electricity Next Steps
Hogan Tierney Fox-Penner Cowart Howe Address Shortcomings We Identified X Green Energy Agenda Meaningful Carbon Pricing Electrification Energy Efficiency First Utility Scale Renewables & DERs Utility/Prosumer of the Future Intelligent/Responsive Load Rate Design for Renewable World Getting Beyond Natrual Gas Maintain NG Capacity (backstop renewables) Wholesale Market Reforms Maintain Market Discipline Renewable Siting Reform

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