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Western Expansion and Conflict

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1 Western Expansion and Conflict
Chapter 16 Western Expansion and Conflict

2 Essential Question: What were the results of Mexican War?

3 Fighting Breaks Out Mexico feared Texas annexation was first step to taking over all of Mexico Mexico claimed the Nueces River was boundary between Texas (U.S.) and Mexico (instead of the Rio Grande) many US citizens wanted to be paid for damages


5 U.S. Response President Polk sent troops to Texas to protect new state from Mexican attack Mexican troops across the Rio Grande ordered U.S. troops to retreat but they refused. Mexican troops crossed Rio Grande and attacked US troops President Polk asked Congress to declare war Congress declared war on Mexico on May 13th, 1846

6 Texans Join the War thousands of volunteers rushed to join the army (6000) many Texans wanted a chance to fight against Santa Anna Juan Seguin, veteran of the Texas Revolution, fought for Mexico Texas Rangers joined the army and served as scouts several Texas Rangers, such as John Ford and John Hays were recognized for leadership and bravery

7 Effects of the War Gen. Taylor began an offensive (major troop advance) into northern Mexico that caused Santa Anna to retreat In 1847 Gen Winfield Scott captured Mexico City on September 14 The war cost the US $98 million


9 The War Ends Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed on Feb. 2, 1848

10 Terms of Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

11 Terms of the Treaty Mexico recognized the annexation of Texas and the Rio Grande as the border between U.S. and Mexico U.S. agreed to cover $ 3.2 million in claims that U.S. citizens had against Mexico gov’t Mexico agreed to cede (to give up) 529, 000 square miles of northern territory to the U.S. for $15 million (known as the Mexican Cession) Mexicans living in this region were to be granted all the rights of U.S. citizenship

12 Arguments Erupt debate over slavery erupted in Congress
some wanted new U.S. territories to be non-slave while others wanted it to be slave territory Texas claimed Rio Grande not only formed its southern border but also its western border including almost half of present day New Mexico

13 Continued… people living in New Mexico rejected the Tx claim and did not want to allow slavery there. Texas legislature declares disputed region to be Santa Fe County, Texas

14 Compromise Sen. Henry Clay resolved conflict with plan called the Compromise of 1850 federal gov’t paid Tex $10 million to give up claim on New Mexico land U.S. gov’t then established border between TX and NM


16 Tejano Discrimination
during war, many Tejanos were seen as enemies many Tejanos sold their property and left TX

17 Texas Population After War
after the war population increased in TX most new Texans were farmers from Southern US African American population grew since slaves were brought in many different Europeans came to TX to escape hardship Germans were the largest immigrant group each group brought traditional foods, celebrations, and architecture

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