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Vocab 9 Definitions.

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1 Vocab 9 Definitions

2 Erratic Adj. Acting, moving, or changing in ways that are not expected
Nothing has ever been accomplished with an erratic diet.

3 Extortion Noun The crime of getting money from someone else by using force The couple was arrested and charged with extortion against the older gentleman.

4 Adverse Adj. Preventing success or development; harmful or unfavorable conditions or effects The basketball game was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions on the road.

5 Asset Noun A valuable person or thing
The school was such an asset to the community that there was huge fundraiser to help rebuild it after it was burnt down.

6 Bigot Noun A person who is intolerant towards different opinions
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Mr. Ewell is a bigot who was unable to look past his own prejudices.

7 Blatant Adj. Having done openly and unashamedly; brazenly obvious
The teacher could tell that the student was telling a blatant lie.

8 Entourage Noun A group of people attending or surrounding an important person It is uncommon to see the President of the U.S. walking around without an entourage.

9 Virulent Adj. Extremely severe or harmful (of a disease or poison); highly infective Researchers were astonished to find that the poison was so virulent that it killed a mouse instantly.

10 Remnant Noun A fragment or scrap from something greater; a part that is left when the other parts are gone There were no remnants of the living when colonists came to Roanoke, Virgina.

11 Spew Verb To flow out of something in a fast and forceful manner
Buses were spewing out black, thick clouds of exhaust in downtown Chicago.

12 Loath Adj. Being reluctant or unwilling to do something
Cassie was loath to admit her mistakes in front of her group.

13 Solicit Verb To ask for or try to get something from someone (mostly money) Many universities have solicited Congress for funding for different departments along with giving money for scholarships.

14 Astute Adj. Being clever in practical matters; able to notice and understand things clearly; able to assess situations and people The professor was impressed with the freshman’s astute remarks over how government can cut back on taxes for everyone.

15 Advocate Verb To support or argue for; to speak or write in favor of; publicly recommend The teachers in major cities advocate for higher salaries and ask for other teachers to support their cause.

16 Ineffectual Adj. Not producing the effects wanted; not getting the desired effect She was neglectful and ineffectual as a parent.

17 Scrutinize Verb To examine or observe with great care; inspect critically My great aunt always scrutinizes the menu, the décor, and the flowers at anyone’s wedding.

18 Nefarious Adj. Being extremely wicked or villainous; dastardly, morally bad in principle or practice Batman and Superman fight against nefarious villains.

19 Amicable Adj. Being friendly and polite to avoid argument or disagreement Jonathan’s departure was amicable with his boss and the board of trustees after a rough season in the business.

20 Vexatious Adj. Causing irritation or annoyance; intending to harass or cause stress My dad cannot stand the vexatious phone calls from telemarketers during dinner time.

21 Malady Noun Any disorder or disease of the body; illness
“The mysterious malady, which was initially rare, came to be known as AIDS, and soon its underlying cause was identified as H.I.V.” – The New Yorker 12/22/2015

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