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Critical Thinking Words

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking Words"— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking Words

2 Tell about Tell ALL about
describe Tell about Tell ALL about

3 Determine the value of judge
evaluate Determine the value of judge

4 Tell how Put it in your own words
explain Tell how Put it in your own words

5 formulate Put together create

6 Use all the information Form an idea or possible explanation
hypothesize Use all the information Form an idea or possible explanation

7 A good guess Read between the lines
Infer A good guess Read between the lines

8 Tell the meaning of Make something easier to understand
interpret Tell the meaning of Make something easier to understand

9 Make a guess What will happen next
predict Make a guess What will happen next

10 Put together Arrange in order
sequence Put together Arrange in order 1607 1776 1787

11 Sum it up Give me the short version
summarize Sum it up Give me the short version

12 Review the facts and evidence Make a decision or form an opinion
conclude Review the facts and evidence Make a decision or form an opinion

13 different All the way things are different
contrast different All the way things are different

14 Alike All the way things are alike
compare Alike All the way things are alike

15 Break Apart Study the Pieces
analyze Break Apart Study the Pieces

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