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Reading Specialist By: Johanna Barnes.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Specialist By: Johanna Barnes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Specialist By: Johanna Barnes

2 What options are available within this field?
One reading specialist job you could pursue is a Title 1 or remedial reading teacher.

3 Salary range for those different options
Title 1 reading: the average salary for a title 1 teacher is $31,642 per year. Remedial reading teacher: the average salary for a remedial reading teacher is $36,506 per year

4 Education or Special Training Requirements
to become a reading specialist, most school districts require at least a bachelors degree in reading and literacy; many also require a master’s degree in reading education. Student teaching work and a teaching license are also necessary. A reading specialist must be personable, patient, and good with kids.

5 Schools or Organizations that offer that education or training
Drexel University Penn state Columbia university

6 Special Qualities and Abilities Needed For Someone to do The Job Well
You need to be good with kids, personable, patient, and believe in your kids.

7 Somebody Well-known In The Reading Specialist Field
Mrs. flerlage is somebody that is a reading specialist. As a child mrs. Flerlage dreamed of being either a nurse or a secret service agent. Rather than those occupations, she has chosen to be our outstanding title 1 teacher. Mrs. flerlage chose her career in teaching because she loves kids and wants them to experience school better than she did.

8 My Reaction to The Information Gained.
I wasn’t really surprised by any of the information gained.

9 I used Wikipedia and the rommelt reporter.
Websites that I Used I used Wikipedia and the rommelt reporter.

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