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KQ: How and why employment varies from place to place

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Presentation on theme: "KQ: How and why employment varies from place to place"— Presentation transcript:

1 KQ: How and why employment varies from place to place
The case of Mexico KQ: How and why employment varies from place to place

2 The case of Mexico Recap: Push Factors
- Something that makes people want to leave a location Pull Factors Something that attracts people to a location Rural to urban migration Watch the video and create a table of push / pull factors of why people want to leave the countryside and move to the city. **Although this video focuses on Brazil – the ideas behind it fit for many developing countries.

3 The impacts of changes in employment in towns
Locate Mexico on a map and write a short description of its location. Evolving Planet – pages Read through ‘The case of Mexico’. Video Clip 1 – Active Teach (Chapter 12) Key definitions: (copy into books) Formal Sector Informal Sector

4 The case of Mexico – Answer the following questions in full sentences.
1) Draw two columns , one headed “Jobs in the Formal Sector” and one headed “Jobs in the Informal Sector”. Put the jobs listed below in the correct column: * Fruit seller *Textile worker *Water seller *Prostitute *Hairdresser *Shoe shine person *Airline pilot *Shop worker *Banker *Bus driver *Electricity work *Car window screen washer 2) What was the main cause(s) behind the decline in farming in Mexico? 3) What enabled the manufacturing industry to ‘boom’ ? 4) What problems were created by this boom? 5) What are some of the advantages of the jobs in the formal sector in places like Mexico City? What are the main disadvantages?

5 Homework: Exam style question
Describe and explain the difference between the formal and informal sectors of employment. (4 marks) Bring in your answer for the next lesson – it will be peer-assessed.

6 Finally... Thinking back to the Clark Fisher Model – does Mexico seem to follow this pattern? What problems seem to face cities that experience rapid city growth?

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