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Persuasive or Argumentative

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1 Persuasive or Argumentative
Higher Folio Persuasive or Argumentative

2 Persuasive/discursive techniques
Personal language Stats/quotations Rhetorical qs Triads – ‘Animal testing is cruel, inhumane and barbaric.’ Litotes Hyperbole Repetition of words/phrases/structure Alliteration Personal experience/anecdote Humour Assertive expressions (It cannot be denied that/It is undoubtedly true…) Question and answer (So, what are the dangers of Gagaism? Well, the dangers are many – you may find yourself wearing bacon as some sort of makeshift dress, for a start!) Emotive language (said/shouted/roared) Structural techniques: e.g. 1 sentence paragraphs. Antithesis: opposing statements side by side. PCs are the dunces of the computer world;Macs the quick-witted go-getters.

3 Structure - Persuasive
Powerful intro One argument per paragraph starting with strongest Paragraph outlining arguments against but ultimately disproving them. Powerful conclusion Word count: 1,300 words

4 Structure - Discursive
Intro outlining the topic Main body – one argument for, one against etc. Conclusion offering a decisive view or a sense of balance.

5 Task Read through the examples and decide what was good and bad about them. What mark would you give them? Use the mark key in the Folio booklet

6 Target I will be discussing your ideas with you on Friday.
I will expect a submitted plan and title on (not after) the 4th of September.

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