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About Hungarian emigrants ̶ who? when? where? why?

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1 About Hungarian emigrants ̶ who? when? where? why?
„[...] meddig érdemes elmerülni a többivel ezen a magyar tengeren?” '[...] how deep is it worth submerging with the others in this Hungarian sea?' Esti Kornél - Ez Itt Az Ország (Boldogság, te kurva, 2011)

2 When and why did 21st century emigration start?
EU enlargement → emigration slowly rising joining the Schengen agreement start of global financial crisis high unemployment rate 11%; 28% among young people May 1st, Austria and Germany open labour market → # of emigrants increasing radically Pan-European Picnic, 1989, near Sopron

3 Why do people emigrate? OECD Better Life Index - Life satisfaction: #35 out of 38

4 Why do people emigrate? source: Blaskó - Gödri 2014

5 How many are they? since 1989: % of labour market > / year only estimated numbers official Hungarian statistics show a lower number of emigrants

6 Who are they? young 77% are under 40 average age: 29-30
educated 24% have an academic degree national average: 18% unmarried slightly more men than women depends on the country families 35% have an academic degree brain drain

7 Who are they? Students 50-60% of secondary school students interested in studying abroad Hungarian university students currently abroad number of applicants to Hungarian universities decreasing (2017: admitted students) Why? unsure future dissatisfaction with education policy and welfare eagerness to gain experience and learn languages 30-50% of student emigrants later move back to Hungary

8 source: Zsuzsa Blaskó, SEEMIG Project (2014), All Rights Reserved

9 Where do they go? source:
source: Szilasi ̶ Halász ̶ Gál-Szabó 2017

10 United Kingdom 150 000 - 250 000 highly qualified
very young, unmarried 80%: age 18-35 attracted by culture cheap flights labour market open since 2004

11 Germany 150 000 - 200 000 traditional destination network effect
more skilled workers, less university graduates work in industry sector more men older (age ) more married 40% send money home

12 Austria 70 000 traditional destination network effect
close to Hungary daily / weekly commuters less university graduates travel home often work in service sector

13 source: Zsuzsa Blaskó, SEEMIG Project (2014), All Rights Reserved

14 Are they coming home? most of them are unsure 15% surely coming home
Hungarian population without vs. with emigration most of them are unsure 15% surely coming home 10% surely not coming home by Erzsébet Földházi, SEEMIG Project (2014), All Rights Reserved government programme to make young expats come home was unsuccessful

15 What are the effects? brain drain negative effects on economy
transnational families married men leaving wife and children behind → negative psychological effects on children vs. money decreasing population return migration would have great positive effects → government needs to encourage return migration

16 sources, unless otherwise stated: SEEMIG ̶ Hungarians abroad 2013 Blaskó ̶ Gödri 2014 Szilasi ̶ Halász ̶ Gál-Szabó 2017

17 Thank you for your attention!

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