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Waters and Communities Office Local Authority Waters Programme

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Presentation on theme: "Waters and Communities Office Local Authority Waters Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Waters and Communities Office Local Authority Waters Programme
Providing informed assistance in obtaining funding on Natural Water related projects Shamrock Lodge Hotel & Bloomfield House 25th & 26th February 2019. Basil Mannion, Community Water Officer Local Authority Waters Programme

2 Waters & Communities Engaging and supporting Communities around water.
Waters & Communities Office LA shared service Local Authority Waters Programme 12 Community Water Officers Engaging and supporting Communities around water. Working with Catchment Assessment Teams

3 Athlone Canal Heritage Group

4 Exploring the Brosna in Mullingar – Mullingar Tidy Towns

5 Streamstown Foroige Club

6 River Basin Management Plan 2018 – 2021 Positive things happening!!!
€1.7 billion in waste water infrastructure and projects in 255 urban areas by the end of 2021 43 specialist Catchment Assessment Personnel, new Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advisory Programme with 30 Sustainability Advisers. ‘Blue Dot Catchments Programme’, Extension of the local authority-led Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems grant scheme Community Water Development Fund

7 Community Water Development Fund - Open Call 2020

8 Community Water Development Fund - Open Call 2020

9 Community Water Development Fund - Open Call 2020

10 Community Water Development Fund - Open Call 2020

11 Community Water Development Fund - Open Call 2020.
Key Dates Nov 2019 Feb 2020 Early March 2020 Mid March 2020 Mid March 2020 End of March 2020 31 Oct 2020 15 Nov 2020

12 Rural Development/LEADER Funding - Rural Environment Theme – Water projects!!!!!

13 LEADER Funding - Rural Environment Theme – Water projects!!!!!
Theme 3 of the LEADER Programme, “Rural Environment” offers communities an opportunity for funding not to be missed. Two of the 3 sub-themes of the LEADER “Rural Environment” Theme: (i) Protection and sustainable use of water resources” and (ii) the protection and improvement of local biodiversity, offer opportunities for groups and communities to maximise the contribution of nature and water to the sustainable development in their local area.

14 LEADER Funding - Rural Environment Theme – Water projects!!!!!
Assessments, surveys and other reports required for the purposes of securing planning permission and/or fulfilling other statutory obligations are now eligible for LEADER funding as a stand-alone Analysis and Development (A&D) project under the Environment Theme.  includes Feasibility study’s, Appropriate Assessments etc in Natura 2000 sites etc (e.g., SACs) that could be required for capital projects (habitat restoration etc) We are currently working on a guidance document for projects which will be issued over the coming weeks.   Applies to Rural Environment Theme and NOT others such as Rural Youth etc.

15 Some Ideas………… Training Biodiversity training.
How to develop a waterbody community management plan. Biosecurity training. Citizen science training.

16 Some Ideas………… Analysis and Development
Actions to promote analysis and development of rural (rurally-sourced) products; Development of sustainable tourist initiatives; ecofriendly blueways and greenways, outdoor biodiversity class rooms (bringing people closer to nature) Feasibility studies to manage habitat issues; Projects to examine measures that could limit or control pollution or invasive species or improve habitat Development plans to protect a local water body; Develop a community based management template for the protection and enhancement of a waterbody Resource audits of wildlife; Survey of key species or habitats of biodiversity importance Costs associated with planning in environmentally sensitive areas; Assessments, surveys and other reports required

17 Some Ideas………… Development of sustainable visitor initiatives
Ecofriendly blueways & greenways: Identify water as unique and of interest to visitors Look at potential route options Early into the project, consult and involve the relevant state agencies, for example Inland Fisheries Ireland, National Parks and Wildlife Service Make sure that the project is sustainable – it should enhance nature rather than impact on it Use the route as a way to bring about further improvements to the environment on view (e.g., clean up litter, highlight or address sewage discharges and so on)

18 Some Ideas………… Capital Grants Restoration/conservation
Planting of trees and riparian plants along rivers Riparian management work – e.g., fencing off cattle access (demonstration type projects only) Techniques to manage rainwater or soiled water ingress to rivers (e.g., carpark runoff, etc.) River restoration works Fish passage – e.g., modification of weirs Invasive species control (planning and/or one off control) Silt trapping Community Sustainable urban Drainage Systems SuDS) -e.g., Natural Flood Mitigation Measures (NFMM), bioswales, raingardens, water butts Pond creation – biodiversity habitats – outdoor classroom Constructed wetlands – novel nutrient treatment systems Wild flower meadows


20 Other Funding Sources Anti Dumping Initiative Funding – Dept. Communications, Climate Action & Environment Community Enhancement Programme 2018 Dept of Rural & Community Development.  The Community Biodiversity Grant – the Community Foundation for Ireland One grant of €10,000 and five grants of €5,000 Water Heritage Week Funding available for events held during Water Heritage Week 19th to 25th August 2019 IFI National Strategy for Angling Development Fund, IFI Salmon Conservation Fund, IFI Midland Fisheries Fund. The Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2019 Local Awareness Initiative Funding - Community Water Officer funding


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