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Rhetorical Strategies

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1 Rhetorical Strategies
Please leave your Roots 3 list on my black cart.

2 Today’s agenda LOOKING FORWARD: Stamp/Quick review of Roots 3 List
Main Ideas/Details with sample article Apply skills to “Dumpster Diving” Rhetorical Strategies and sample ads LOOKING FORWARD: Roots 4 list due next class Roots Lists 1-4 Quiz Thursday, and 10.21

3 Have the 2 column notes page and article about taking notes on your desk.
We will read the article together and generate at least one main idea with details. When you’re finished, flip your notes page over, drop off the article, and find your 9 o’clock partner.

4 Persuasive Appeals Take out a clean sheet of paper. Write a letter to me convincing me that you should no longer be given homework over the weekend. You have 5 minutes!

5 Rhetorical Strategies
Use your “Persuasive Appeals & Rhetorical Strategies Notes” handout to copy down the following definitions If an example is provided on the slide, use that as an example on your handout If there is not an example, create your own!

6 Logos Appeal to Reason/Logic Facts and statistics Definitions
Steps in reasoning (if…then) Audience persuaded because it makes sense



9 Pathos Appeal to Emotion Emotional tone Vivid and descriptive language
Tugs at your heart



12 Ethos Appeal of one’s character Good and moral person
Knowledgeable on subject Respectable Audience persuaded because they trust speaker



15 Which one? For the following ads, you choose which appeal is used:
Ethos Pathos or Logos?



18 Which appeal(s) do you see or hear
Which appeal(s) do you see or hear? After viewing each ad, share your thoughts with a partner. Lowes HEB Subaru Buick

19 Key Rhetorical Strategies
Anecdote Personal stories used to elicit feelings of warmth or sympathy (St. Jude’s Hospital ad where celebrities are sitting with kids with cancer and asking for donations.) St. Jude's Antithesis Direct contrast of two ideas; opposition

20 Euphemism A more acceptable or pleasant way of saying an often offensive term Example: “He went to his final reward” or “passed away” instead of “he died” Forceful Phrases Phrases which urge in a coercive manner Humor Anything that causes laughter or amusement

21 Hyperbole Obvious and deliberate exaggeration Repetition words, sounds, or ideas are used more than once to create emphasis

22 Rhetorical Question One that does not expect an explicit answer. The idea should just be considered by the audience “Don’t you want the best for your family?” “Don’t you want fresh breath that lasts all day long? Sympathy The speaker attempts to elicit feelings of guilt or sympathy with stories or images (An ad for the Humane Society showing a three- legged dog and kitten on the railroad tracks)

23 Look back at your letter…
Did you use any of these persuasive appeals or rhetorical strategies? Discuss with your partner.

24 Dumpster diving – Rhetorical strategies
With a partner complete the handout Look for Logos, Ethos, and Pathos Find two Rhetorical Devices used What effect do these have on the reader? Why would the author select this particular device? Highlight devices found and label them in margin of story We will finish this work next class.

25 SSR Introduction We will begin SSR on the 19th (A) and the 20th (B)
You need to have a paper copy of your book by that day. No electronic versions of books are allowed to be read in class Please come prepared. The librarians know what we are doing, so if you have any questions visit them! Learning Task grade will be recorded for each SSR session More information coming next class.

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