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Book Trailer Script Mrs. Baum.

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Presentation on theme: "Book Trailer Script Mrs. Baum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Trailer Script Mrs. Baum

2 Due date…May 1, 2018 The book you read must be AT LEAST 250 pages.
The book CANNOT have been a movie or a TV show. The genre of this book report can be science fiction; fantasy; or a mystery. Your presentation must be a power point or key note that has been put on a flash drive and ready for you to present. Due date…May 1, 2018

3 First Slide Introduce the story… Title of the book Author’s name
Setting Genre

4 Second Slide Main character… Describe main character.
What problem does the main character have? Is the character successful at solving the problem…explain. If the character was not able to solve the problem…explain.

5 Third Slide What is the theme?
Explain with textual evidence why this is the theme…I want to hear you say in your presentation that you know that this is the theme because the textual evidence shows that…etc.

6 Fourth Slide What is the main idea?
Explain with textual evidence what the main idea is…I want to hear you say in your presentation that you know that this is the main idea because the textual evidence shows that…etc.

7 Fifth Slide Tell us about your favorite part of the story.
Why is this part your favorite? Would you recommend this story for someone else to read? Explain why you would recommend this book or not recommend this book.

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