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How did the dominance of Prussia/Austria change up to 1862?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the dominance of Prussia/Austria change up to 1862?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the dominance of Prussia/Austria change up to 1862?
Lesson Aim: To assess how the power of the two nations changed over time. TASK: Answer the question on your table: Why are we studying Prussia/Austria? Why is their power important? Draw a map on Germany showing Austria/Prussia and also Hesse Cassel. Find out about these key people: Schwarzenberg, Manteuffel, Radowitz, Frederick William. Find out about these key terms: Kleindeutschland, grosdeustchland, diet. Write in whiteboard pen on table.

2 Power Timeline…. We are going to make a big timeline to show the power of Austria/Prussia. We will judge power economically and politically. Make timeline with print-outs and mini whiteboards.

3 Where should we place them on the timeline?
I have done the Zollverein and the 1848 revolutions as an example of what I’m looking for. Where should we place them on the timeline? Write some details up on mini white boards to place.

4 Who had the most economic/political power?
Prussian Union for a kleindeutschland Austria’s reaction Prussia Vs. Confederation Austria economic situation Prussia economic situation Analyse the timeline.

5 Make your own A3 copy of the graph.

6 What happened in the constitutional crisis in Prussia 1860-2?

7 Essay Planning……. That is the end of the content for the mock exam.
please come to next lesson with a plan – do not write the essay! We will write it in a lesson and peer mark it in depth next lesson (as I will not have chance to mark another set of essays. It will not be timed, you will have over an hour. Homework Reminder: Bring in Germany revision of context – Tues Bring in Italy revision completed - Fri

8 How far does the failure of the 1848 revolutions explain Austria’s ability to maintain its dominant position in Germany in the years to 1862? Intro Failure of 1848 revolutions. Prussia’s attempt to gain political control up to 1952. Prussia’s economic growth (1859 war crippled Austria) Conclusion

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