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Presentation to Congregation

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1 Presentation to Congregation
Online Giving Presentation to Congregation

2 Ways to Give Church Website Kiosk Phone App Text Giving
Elexio is the company that provides this service to us, you will see their name GIV*TRINITY FULL GOSPEL should appear on your banking statement (online banking)

3 Church Website

4 Quick Give, does not require log-in
Creating an Account Click here to register Quick Give, does not require log-in We do not suggest clicking remember me For security purposes, if you are on the kiosk or Any public computer.

5 Password: 8 characters-letters and numbers
All area will need filled in, if you are registering this step only needs to be done the first log-in Password: 8 characters-letters and numbers

6 After registration: this screen will show
After registration: this screen will show. Here you can enter your card information. This information can be saved, if you choose.

7 Click here to switch from credit/debit card to e-check

8 Drop the box down to choose the area you want to give in.

9 Kiosk The kiosk will have the giving screen already there, you will just need to log in. It is important to remember to log out at the end of your session. This keeps your information secure.

10 Phone App This can be saved to your home screen once you are logged in

11 Phone App

12 Phone App

13 Phone App

14 740-204-7266 Text Giving You can text your amount to this
number, if you are giving to a special Fund, type that fund after the amount. ie: 1 Indian Missions

15 When you send the first text with
the amount and special fund (if there is one), you will receive the following link to register. this only has to be done once.

16 This screen is where the link sends you
This screen is where the link sends you. Fill out all of the fields and hit give. This saves the card info that you enter. To reset and add a new payment card: text the word “reset” and you will be prompted to add a new card.

17 You will receive this message
after you successfully register. This lets you know that you can send as many texts as you want, until you send a “reset” message. If you get a new phone number, you will need to register again. this is linked to your phone number.

18 When your gift has been accepted, you will receive this message. This is your confirmation of receipt.

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