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EQS derivation for proposed priority substances

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1 EQS derivation for proposed priority substances
WG E Chemical Aspects Brussels October 2010 Agenda Item 5.2(b) Helen Clayton WFD Team DG Environment European Commission

2 Substances for which EQS dossiers are finalised or close to finalisation
Bifenox (Possible revision of MAC-QS if full outdoor mesocosm study…) Dichlorvos (BPD TM Nov 2010) Dicofol (Check original pesticides dossier?) Heptachlor (Double-check coverage of endocrine-disrupting effects by AF) Terbutryn (DK comment to be addressed)

3 Substances for which EQS dossiers are advanced but complex
Dioxin (Biota and sediment EQS proposed; corresponding water EQS to be debated) Note: Dioxin-like PCBs covered in Dioxin dossier – non-dioxin-like PCBs not yet dealt with; paper awaited. HBCDD (Biota EQS proposed; use of TMF studies to set corresponding water EQS under consideration) 17-alpha ethinylestradiol (Dossier being revised to derive single EQS cf range) PFOS (Questions re AF to be considered)

4 Substances for which dossiers are advanced but there are divergent opinions
Aclonifen (Persistence?) Cybutryne (Reliability of low-end-point study) Cypermethrin (Studies to include? AF for MAC? Sediment EQS? Representativeness of monitoring data) Diclofenac (Appropriateness of using histopathological end-points?) NB Statement Paper from some Members Quinoxyfen (PBT properties?)

5 Dossier for which more data-gathering proposed to set EQS
Cyanides - Industry proposes to commission plant and insect studies to support SSD – SG-R invited to comment on protocol; - More information needed on background concentrations and extent to which monitoring data represents free cyanide)

6 « Grey » substances Dossier advanced Zinc Dossiers still awaited 17 beta-estradiol (Dossier imminent – was awaiting industry PNEC paper) Ibuprofen (Data awaited on DE fish study – October)

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