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Standard 7 Breakout Session Industry and Community Relations

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Presentation on theme: "Standard 7 Breakout Session Industry and Community Relations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard 7 Breakout Session Industry and Community Relations
Angela Kohls Standards Implementation Staff FDA ORA, Office of Partnerships Laura Van Wagenen-Birdsill Program Coordinator CO Department of Public Health and Environment Wednesday, March 12, 2014 10: :00 Elm Fork I

2 Agenda Strengthening Compliance and Enforcement
Welcome and Introductions Current Status of Standard 7 Implementation Presentations on Implementing Standard 7 Q & A/Group Discussion Summary and Challenge

3 Housekeeping Honor time schedule Stay on topic Get input from everyone
Be willing to share Respect different program cultures Do not reference specific audits Be creative, ask questions – parking lot Facilitators – responsible for process Participants – responsible for content Parking Lot Flip Chart Some guidelines to minimize confusion, disruptions and conflict

4 (Group Exercise Instructions)
Session Objectives Generate a list of resources, best practices, lessons learned and challenges/recommendations for developing, implementing and monitoring an inspection protocol. (Group Exercise Instructions) Listen to presentations Discuss and list suggestions on flip charts Share your group’s suggestions with room Todays objective is to come up with a list of resources, best practices, lessons learned and challenges/recommendations based on the three presentations as well as your own experience with the standards. Group Exercise Instructions (1-3) During the reporting out, we will summarize the results for sharing with all groups on Thursday Most importantly, we will share this information with all programs via FoodSHIELD and the MFRPS Alliance Portal on the AFDDO web site.

5 Standard Seven

6 Standard Seven

7 Breakout Session Focus
Element 7.2.a Documentation of outreach activities

8 Standard 7 Industry and Community Relations
Laura Van Wagenen-Birdsill Program Coordinator CO Department of Public Health and Environment March 2014

9 Meeting the Standard 7.5 Documentation Appendix 7 Self-assessment
Supporting attachments We are all familiar with Appendix 1 and the self-assessment worksheet for outreach activities The single sheet brief tally of what was done who was there and lessons learned Well lets not bore ourselves any longer….

10 Streamlining the Tracking Process
Visualization Collaboration Organization What can we do to capture the same information in a centralized, organized, sortable system that meets the standard and is easy to use Because if your team is like mine…they hate filling out worksheets, everyone has a different idea where to save things, or if they should be saved Using these three simple terms we hope to have created a better way to accomplish this through: Visualization Collaboration And Organization

11 Visualization Seeing what you’ve accomplished in a central location
     Fiscal Year Date Outreach Topic Outreach Description Audience Type Presenter Number of Attendees Location Outreach Type If you are like the rest of us you know your are out there doing lots of good work, providing outreach to industry partners, updating the community you serve in the intrest of public health but might not be documenting you efforts and accomplishments it in a central location Using a tracking system has helped us by providing a visual dashboard to collect such data

12 Working with each other to do a task and achieve shared goals
Collaboration Working with each other to do a task and achieve shared goals The tracking system we are using allows us to hold documents and works in progress in a common centralized location so that team members can access them and maintain an official version of the work Additionally, the system we are using allows us to attach copies of course announcements, event agendas, course evaluation summaries, and other pertinent documents for the purpose of record keeping

13 Organization Having the platform to arrange or order things so that they can be found or used easily and quickly is key We have struggled with keeping records in an orderly manner and being consistent with the information recorded Where one person calls it a meeting another calls the same event a training…defining the outreach activity criteria can help tremendously And providing our staff with a tool to capture the data in a uniform manner gives us a level of assurance that we are meeting our goals for a standardized program

14 Outreach Tracker Outreach Type Dropdown: Seminar
Training Workshop Other Let me show you the tracking and data storage system we are using This is a snap shot of our Outreach Tracker in SharePoint As you can see we have organized our columns to collect data from the FY the activity took place, the date of the actual event, the Topic or Title of the event, a brief description of the activity, who the audience was, who the training or presentation team was that participated in providing the event # of attendees, Location, Outreach type, Evaluation, and Critique A couple of features to point out are: “Assigned Staff” selector We have these prepopulated with staff names so you can click on the staff that participated in each event Another feature we added was the dropdown selection for “Outreach Type” this allows staff recording data and entering input to be consistent when defining their activities as I mentioned earlier. After meeting with our Standards Liaison, Angela, we added the “Outreach Critique Summary” column Here we can input our after action comments, successes, areas of improvement, etc… In addition to populating the fields, we have the ability to attach related documents to the record, so everything is held in that central location. Items like the course agenda, evaluations, presentations… Staff assigned selector

15 Thank You QUESTIONS???? WI want to thank you for your time and for allowing me to share a brief glance at our system I am open to comments, suggestions and questions

16 Contact Information Laura Van Wagenen-Birdsill Program Coordinator Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


18 Contact Information Laura Van Wagenen-Birdsill Program Coordinator Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

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