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Investigating on the Antireflection Design of Poly sapphire

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Presentation on theme: "Investigating on the Antireflection Design of Poly sapphire"— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigating on the Antireflection Design of Poly sapphire
多晶藍寶石基板之抗反射膜層設計研究 Investigating on the Antireflection Design of Poly sapphire 報告人:羅立翔 指導教授:胡文聰教授、廖洺漢副教授

2 Outline Chapter 1 Motivation
Chapter 2 Literature review and Theoretical basis Chapter 3 Experimental methods and procedures Chapter 4 Experimental results and discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion

3 Outline Chapter 1 Motivation
Chapter 2 Literature review and Theoretical basis Chapter 3 Experimental methods and procedures Chapter 4 Experimental results and discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion

4 Motivation 手機蓋板 智能穿戴裝置保護螢幕 鏡頭保護蓋 手機背蓋 LED襯底

5 Motivation

6 Outline Chapter 1 Motivation
Chapter 2 Literature review and Theoretical basis Chapter 3 Experimental methods and procedures Chapter 4 Experimental results and discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion

7 Literature review and Theoretical basis
Antireflection Design Anti Reflection thin film -Single layer reflection thin film -Multilayer reflection thin film Antireflection Structures -Escape Cone Structures -Subwavelength Structures NL NM NH

8 Literature review and Theoretical basis
Fresnel Equation Normal line Y axis X axis Interface Incidence wave Reflection wave Transmission wave 為電磁波行進方向 Ni Nt Fresnel Equation

9 Literature review and Theoretical basis
Fresnel Equation Normal line Y axis X axis Interface Incidence wave Reflection wave Transmission wave 為電磁波行進方向 Ni Nt

10 Literature review and Theoretical basis
Multi - beam interference *考慮入射電場在單層薄膜間無窮多次的反射與穿透率與其電場所走的光程造成的相位差。

11 Literature review and Theoretical basis

12 Literature review and Theoretical basis

13 Literature review and Theoretical basis
nH > nM > nL nair 薄膜厚度(d) : dL、dM λ0/4n dH  λ0/2n nsub. 反射係數(r)

14 Outline Chapter 1 Motivation
Chapter 2 Literature review and Theoretical basis Chapter 3 Experimental methods and procedures Chapter 4 Experimental results and discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion

15 Experimental methods and procedures
Poly sapphire Poly sapphire CMP Crystal sapphire Crystal sapphire CMP

16 Experimental methods and procedures
Transmittance 97% SiOx-83nm (n=1.5) Transmittance 95% AlN-118nm(n=2.1) SiOx-20nm(n=1.5) SiOx-90nm(n=1.5) AlN-17nm(n=2.1) Poly sapphire Poly sapphire AlN-17nm(n=2.1) SiOx-90nm(n=1.5) SiOx-83nm (n=1.5) AlN-118nm(n=2.1) SiOx-20nm(n=1.5)

17 Experimental methods and procedures
O2 2sccm O2 2.5sccm O2 3sccm SiOx/glass SiOx/glass SiOx/glass O2 3.5sccm O2 4sccm O2 4.5sccm SiOx/glass SiOx/glass SiOx/glass

18 Experimental methods and procedures
SiOx/Glass Minimum absorption

19 Experimental methods and procedures
N2 5sccm N2 7.5sccm N2 10sccm AlN/glass AlN/glass AlN/glass N2 12.5sccm N2 15sccm N2 17.5sccm AlN/glass AlN/glass AlN/glass

20 Experimental methods and procedures
AlN/Glass Minimum absorption

21 Outline Chapter 1 Motivation
Chapter 2 Literature review and Theoretical basis Chapter 3 Experimental methods and procedures Chapter 4 Experimental results and discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion

22 SiOx/Polysapphire/SiOx
Experimental results and discussion T-70nm T-80nm T-90nm T-100nm R-100nm R-90nm R-70nm R-80nm SiOx Polysapphire CMP SiOx/Polysapphire/SiOx

23 SiOx/Polysapphire/SiOx
Experimental results and discussion T-70nm T-80nm T-90nm T-100nm R-100nm R-90nm R-70nm R-80nm SiOx Polysapphire CMP SiOx/Polysapphire/SiOx

24 Experimental results and discussion
Poly Sapphire CMP SiOx 100nm Poly Sapphire CMP

25 Outline Chapter 1 Motivation
Chapter 2 Literature review and Theoretical basis Chapter 3 Experimental methods and procedures Chapter 4 Experimental results and discussion Chapter 5 Conclusion

26 Conclusion This study successfully improved the transmittance from 83.3% to 92%, decreased the reflection rate from 14.6% to approximately 4%, and reduced the haze from 49.98% to nearly 40%. Moth effects not only improve the transmittance but also save poly sapphire property. Half of poly sapphire' haze is from surface scattering and the other half is from lattice scattering.

27 Conclusion Moth eye structure Multi-antireflection thin film

28 Thanks for your participation

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