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The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 – The Local Authority Perspective

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Presentation on theme: "The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 – The Local Authority Perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 – The Local Authority Perspective
05 December 2017 Mike Wright, GMCA Strategic Lead on Homelessness

2 Context Setting HRACT – what does this mean for ‘the sector’?
What next for LA’s in the north? Greater Manchester context? How are LA’s preparing?

3 Before we begin – some personal thoughts:
Homelessness Reduction Act is a game-changer? (in spirit or in letter?) Is this the time for Cinderella Services to go to the Ball? We have 2-3 years of major policy and political focus and we need to make the most of this What we shape now will be future-critical

4 1. HRAct17 – What does it mean for the sector?
Make the Duty to Refer work for you Continuing challenge of Welfare Reform Number of ‘No Priority Need’ cases (1, 913 in GM) Local service cuts in related areas Demand Staff training and capacity Barriers – i.e. exclusions/lettings/allocations policies Accessibility of service and advice Protocols and pathways Administration Shortage of accommodation options Challenges to allocations/letting policies and approach Challenge to cross-boundary arrangements Outcome-focus, include DHP, LWP etc., reduce failure demand Systems Management

5 HRAct17 – What does it mean for the sector?
Understand local housing markets and the players in them Mapping and profiling demand Pathways for targeted groups How to make sense of change and fit the different elements together – FSHG; Supported Housing; New Burdens Funding; “We wouldn’t do it now, would we?”

6 2. Housing The Powerhouse? - Local Authorities in the North
Funding – cuts and New Burdens equity? Still demand, T/A and stock pressure Attractiveness of the area for LA’s in ‘the south’ dealing with demand pressures – maintain the North:South divide Affordability impacted by economic growth and incomes – link to regeneration and economic development and uneven growth Devolved areas and joint working Asylum placements and future dispersal programme Rural/Urban split

7 The Homelessness Reduction Act 2017
Greater Manchester’s Approach

8 3. Greater Manchester response
Build on long history of collaboration and joint approaches, but not ‘one size fits all’ GM an early adopter Trailblazer area Embedded in a major programme of Public Service Reform and system-change i.e. Place-based integration; Life Chances Programme City Region Mayor with new powers and a strong focus on homelessness and rough sleeping

9 Homelessness - The GM Context
09/10 to 16/17 - A story of growth? Homelessness decisions 79% Homelessness acceptances 69% Homelessness preventions 129% Temporary accommodation 236% Rough sleeping 361%

10 Trailblazer Prevention Programme – 7 Key Themes
Theme 1 – Data, systems and information Theme 2 – Local Hub development Theme 3 – Social Lettings Agency Approach Theme 4 – Homelessness Action Network Theme 5 – Housing First approach for GM Theme 6 – Pathways development Theme 7 – Health and homelessness co-ordination and integration

11 Where we are up to: Recent confirmation of £3.8m financial settlement
Max £1.8m approved for Social Impact Bond for Entrenched Rough Sleepers Commissioned single training programme for mixed front-line staff Staff-led workstream groups Specification for ICT requirements Co-design on new paperwork

12 Where we are up to: Social Lettings Agency discussions with partners
Governance group – GM Housing Needs Group Place-based Integration agenda with partners GM Homelessness Action Network launched Joint events with Health colleagues Commissioned report into gaps in health and homelessness sectors Joint commitment from housing providers

13 4. Local Authorities Preparation:
Code of Guidance consultation Front-line staff training, development and engagement Change the culture Demand profiling and assessment – main causes? How to spend New Burdens funding Stakeholders and partners engagement and awareness Expectations management Embed homelessness prevention in sector-wide approaches – not stand-alone

14 Local Authorities Preparation:
Revise policies, procedures and processes ICT systems commissioning Partner and stakeholder briefings – including Members Review Allocations Schemes and Homelessness Strategies Agree Cross-boundary arrangements Revise prevention protocols Target at main causes of homelessness The Duty to Refer is only 10 months away!

15 Thank you for listening.
To Finish: Thank you for listening.

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