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Bringing blogging to editing classes

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1 Bringing blogging to editing classes

2 Blog project You will create a blog on a topic that interests you
Blog must updated with new posts twice a week for the rest of the semester Pick a topic that generates a lot of “new” news Not too specific, or too general Too specific: A single baseball player OK: The entire team Too general: International news OK: A country

3 Blog project Your blog posts must be in reference to something reported in the news media or reported by the organization, etc. itself You must link to the original report, video, etc., in your post The report must have been issued in the day or two prior to your post No old news Your posts will be evaluation/analysis/commentary in response to the original Don’t just reiterate what we already know Respond to it

4 Blog project What’s the point? Reinforces several concepts from class
Using correct grammar Using correct AP Style Writing headlines Exercising sound news judgment Fostering critical thinking Real-world application Many companies today expect their employees to communicate with the public via the organization’s blog/Web site You can show a potential employer your blog, which will be presented in a professional manner

5 Blog project Some suggestions
Don’t create a blog about a company/organization you work for now, have worked for, or hope to work for Your posts will be based on evaluation/analysis of the original report, etc. Don’t make this your diary Do a little research Is your topic one that consistently produces enough information for you to blog about for the rest of the semester? Picking a topic Choose something that interests you What types of information are you looking for when you go online? What are your hobbies?

6 Blog project examples

7 Blog project examples

8 Blog project examples

9 Blog project examples

10 Blog project examples

11 Blog project For next week Bring three ideas for a topic
Write a brief explanation of: Why this topic interests you Why you think you’ll be able to find enough material to do twice-weekly posts What are some potential sources for material

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