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K-9 Officer By Brian Baysore 

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1 K-9 Officer By Brian Baysore 
There is an Easter egg, how many pictures of Jack Reid can you find?

2 Education Schools that offer K-9 officer training are South Williamsport, Williamsport, Mansfield, and Harrisburg.  All these schools are In PA

3 Training K9 officers have to have a trained dog. A bachelor's degree. 

4 Salary Range K9 Officers make $21,120 To $112,730

5 Special Qualities .A sense of Humor .And Creativity

6 What options are with in the field?
You have to be a police officer for 7 Years, then you have to request to be k9 officer “Helllppppppp”

7 DEAN His main job at CIA is to search vehicles for explosives. It’s important that he keep the employees at CIA safe.

8 Websites used YouTube 15

9 MY Reaction Is that this would  be a great job for me.

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