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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction

2 Civil War as revolutionary
It freed 3 to 4 million slaves. It killed 1/4 of the South's adult white male population. It led to former slaves achieving political and civil rights. It led to the military occupation of the South, with virtually every governor of the states being Northerners.

3 “Black Codes” Written proof of employment
Required all African Americans to sign employment contracts that required them to labor sun up to sun down; Made it a crime for Blacks to leave plantations, own a weapon. Barred African Americans from owning property

4 Reconstruction Lincoln’s 10% Plan Counter-proposal – Wade-Davis Bill
10 percent of all 1860 voters swear allegiance to US Agree to emancipation. After these conditions are met, the state is readmitted. Counter-proposal – Wade-Davis Bill 50%, not 10% Adopt new state constitutions that forbid slavery as a condition for “re-admittance.”

5 Freedman’s Bureau the first government effort at social welfare.
Provided food Provided shelter Created schools Helped reunite separated families Handled contract disputes between plantation owners and Johnson vetoed it, congress overrode the veto.

6 More Showdowns Land – 40 Acres and a Mule?
Northern generals began to give away all land to former slaves. Field Order 15 Presidential executive order, General Order 145. Violence against African Americans 3000 were murdered in Texas Johnson did nothing.

7 Radical Reconstruction
Divides the South into 5 military districts, and sends in the army to protect citizens. Passed two Constitutional amendments 14th Amendment - 15th Amendment

8 14th Amendment anyone born in the US is a citizen, and that all rights of citizenship apply equally to all. Problems? 3/5 compromise no longer applies – African Americans count 100% BUT cannot vote – so South is more powerful than ever. So…

9 15th Amendment the right to vote cannot be denied on the basis of race or previous condition of servitude

10 Tenure of Office Act required the president to get congressional approval to remove any appointee who is appointed with congress's consent. Johnson fired secretary of war House impeached him Senate trial acquitted him.

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