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Frightening & Fantastic

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Presentation on theme: "Frightening & Fantastic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Frightening & Fantastic
Gnowangerup Bloom Festival 2016 Sundowner Presentation 16th September 2016 Gnowangerup W Australia Our Future : Frightening & Fantastic Annimac / Anni Macbeth Futurist & Trend Forecaster

2 Exponential change Augmented Reality Driverless Car Quantum energy
Bionic Bodies Climate Change Peak Oil 2000 Population vs Resources 97% of water on Earth is undrinkable Smart machines

3 Our Four Generation Workforce
b yo yo yo yo ©2016annimac

4 Generation Z Fifth Gen b 1995 - 2010 2 billion globally Maclean’s
July 2014 ©2016annimac

5 2 billion in workforce in 2015
Gen Z yo The Influencers Digital in their DNA 2 billion in workforce in largest cohort group v conservative v serious v ambitious v principled self motivated for usefulness hyperconnected personalised messaging Digital Integrators ©2016annimac

6 … The Influencers live mobile interconnectivity network people
ignore obstacles sling shotting technologies Augmented Reality VR + physical R expect robotics / androids reject idea of fixed place live intelligent towns/cities 2016annimac

7 2016annimac

8 Gen Z in Oz 2016annimac

9 Generational Characteristics Now
time Gen Z Gen Y Gen X B Boomer is diverse celebrates diversity accepts diversity assumes diversity realist optimistic/ pragmatic/ practical idealist Self driven Self inventive Self involved Self expansive no rules re write rules desire rules reject rules uses/ignores institutions irrelevance of institutions mistrusts institutions topples institutions self made kids nurtured kids latchkey kids laissez faire kids highest expectation high expectation no link between hard work & success freedom to seek to achieve making the future future is open future is closing future is now egoless personalisation & customisation labels (as security) categorisation (mass) 2016annimac

10 Key to thriving Relationships people to people people to networks
people to social media people to technologies 2016annimac

11 Key to thriving Attitudes & Values Honesty no spin
Integrity walk the talk Respect peoples + planet Responsibility personal + professional 2016annimac

12 Thank you contact me

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