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Chisago Lakes High School

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1 Chisago Lakes High School
Review of Discipline Referral Data September 2009

2 Discipline Referrals Totals
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 TOTAL Terms 1-4 Total Number of Referrals (All Students) 505 444 446 426 1821

3 Term 1 Discipline Referral Data
RED STUDENTS More than 5 Referrals Per Term YELLOW STUDENTS 2-5 Referrals Per Term GREEN STUDENTS 1 Referral Per Term 19 Students = 1.6% of CLHS Pop. 160 Referrals = 31.8% of Referrals 87 Students = 7.4% of CLHS Pop. 223 Referrals = 44.3% of Referrals 122 Students = 10.4% of CLHS Pop. 122 Referrals = 24.2% of Referrals __________ 9/4/07-11/02/07 ZERO REFERRALS 946 Students = 80.6% of Pop.

4 Term 2 Discipline Referral Data
RED STUDENTS More than 5 Referrals Per Term YELLOW STUDENTS 2-5 Referrals Per Term GREEN STUDENTS 1 Referral Per Term 15 Students = 1.3% of CLHS Pop. 139 Referrals = 31.5% of Referrals 69 Students = 5.9% of CLHS Pop. 191 Referrals = 43.0% of Referrals 114 Students = 9.7% of CLHS Pop. 114 Referrals = 25.9% of Referrals ___________ 11/06/07-1/18/08 ZERO REFERRALS 970 Students = 83.0% of Pop.

5 Term 3 Discipline Referral Data
RED STUDENTS More than 5 Referrals Per Term YELLOW STUDENTS 2-5 Referrals Per Term GREEN STUDENTS 1 Referral Per Term 14 Students = 1.2% of CLHS Pop. 119 Referrals = 26.7% of Referrals 68 Students = 5.9% of CLHS Pop. 192 Referrals = 43.0% of Referrals 135 Students = 11.7% of CLHS Pop. 135 Referrals = 30.3% of Referrals ___________ 1/22/08-3/28/08 ZERO REFERRALS 941 Students = 81.3% of Pop.

6 Term 4 Discipline Referral Data
RED STUDENTS More than 5 Referrals Per Term YELLOW STUDENTS 2-5 Referrals Per Term GREEN STUDENTS 1 Referral Per Term 14 Students = 1.2% of CLHS Pop. 119 Referrals = 27.9% of Referrals 77 Students = 6.7% of CLHS Pop. 210 Referrals = 49.3% of Referrals 97 Students = 8.5% of CLHS Pop. 97 Referrals = 22.8% of Referrals ___________ 1/22/08-3/28/08 ZERO REFERRALS 957 Students = 83.6% of Pop.

7 2008-2009 Discipline Referral Data
END OF YEAR RED STUDENTS More than 5 Referrals Per Year YELLOW STUDENTS 2-5 Referrals Per Year GREEN STUDENTS 1 Referral Per Year 80 Students = 6.8% of CLHS Pop. 1081 Referrals = 59.4% of Referrals 188 Students = 16.2% of CLHS Pop. 552 Referrals = 30.3% of Referrals 188 Referrals = 10.3% of Referrals ___________ 1/22/08-3/28/08 ZERO REFERRALS 705 Students = 60.7% of Pop.

8 Discipline Referral Summary
Red Yellow Green (1 referral) (0 referrals) Term 1 19 students 87 122 946 Term 2 15 68 114 971 Term 3 13 134 943 Students Term 4 14 77 97 957 TOTAL Terms 1-4 80 188 705

9 Regular Education vs. Special Education - Term 1

10 Regular Education vs. Special Education - Term 2

11 Regular Education vs. Special Education - Term 3

12 Regular Education vs. Special Education - Term 4

13 Regular Education vs. Special Education - Total Terms 1-4

14 Regular Education vs. Special Education Students Summary
Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 TOTAL Terms 1-4 Regular Ed. Students 333 referrals 286 referrals 298 referrals 318 referrals 1246 referrals Special Ed. Students 169 referrals 155 referrals 142 referrals 108 referrals 575 referrals

15 Gender - Term 1

16 Gender - Term 2

17 Gender - Term 3

18 Gender - Term 4

19 Gender - Total Terms 1-4

20 Gender Summary Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 TOTAL Males 375 referrals
Terms 1-4 Males 375 referrals 351 referrals 337 referrals 336 referrals 1399 referrals Females 130 referrals 93 referrals 109 referrals 90 referrals 422 referrals

21 Location - Term 1

22 Location - Term 2

23 Location - Term 3

24 Location - Term 4

25 Location Summary: Location Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Classroom 352
314 348 Hallway/ Common 45 29 21 Other Indoor 27 39 Other Outdoor 41 17 Unknown/Other 34 32 33

26 Problem Behaviors - “Top Two”
#1: Definance/Disrespect/Non-compliance #2: Technology Violation

27 Bus Referrals Term 1 - 23 referrals 23 different students
Total Terms referrals 43 different students

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