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World War Two Areas to Review.

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Presentation on theme: "World War Two Areas to Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War Two Areas to Review

2 Pre-War Story Treaty of Versailles and angry Germany/Italy
Rise of fascism and Nazism Hitler’s repeated violation of the treaty Appeasement, Chamberlain, Churchill

3 Appeasement

4 Germany Invincible Poland in September of 1939
Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg France by June of 1940

5 Hitler as Master of Western Europe

6 Battle of Britain (Hitler hits a snag)
“The Blitz” The bravery of the Royal Air Force Hitler suspending the attack and focusing elsewhere

7 Elsewhere…aka the Soviet Union
Operation Barbarosa in 1941 Initial Success then… Size of Russia, cold, and Soviet resistance Stalingrad Russians on the move towards Germany

8 Meanwhile… North Africa had been taken back from the Nazis and the Italians By May of 1943, Allies attacking Italy By June of 1944 Operation Overlord kicks off through France By Spring of 1945 Allies through Italy and to Germany (British, French, Americans to the West, Soviets to the East)

9 British Special Forces in North Africa
Who’s Gangsta now, Adolph? British and Americans defeat Axis troops Head towards Italy

10 Stalingrad

11 Normandy (D-Day)

12 Meanwhile… Island Hopping
Beginning down in the Coral Sea (Near Australia) Ending with Iwo Jima and Okinawa Supposed to lead to an invasion of Japan

13 Island Hopping

14 Not as Much Fun as it Sounds

15 Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Both military targets but with large civilian populations Idea was to do something so awful that even Japanese would surrender An added bonus if it scares the kapoopoo out of Joe Stalin, who was busy racing into Asia

16 Invasion of Japan? Projected losses of US troops staggering
Loss of civilian life even moreso Japanese would not surrender A-bombs become available in July of 1945 Truman issues the Potsdam Declaration Japan ignores it

17 Truman Opts for Bomb

18 Told You Churchill was Gangsta

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