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Scientific Method Relative Dating Absolute Dating Misc. $100 $100 $100

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method Relative Dating Absolute Dating Misc. $100 $100 $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method Relative Dating Absolute Dating Misc. $100 $100 $100
Eleanor M. Savko Scientific Method Relative Dating 5/21/2019 Absolute Dating Misc. $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Sandy is doing an experiment on which type of paper will allow a paper airplane to fly the farthest. Which of the following is the independent variable in the experiment? Category 1: $100: A

3 Type of paper Category 1: $100: Q

4 Jamal is doing an experiment on which liquid makes a plant grow the tallest. What is a control variable for this experiment? Category 1: $200: A

5 Answers will vary Category 1: $200: Q

6 a. Which type of music helps a plant grow the tallest?
Billy Joe is trying to find a good science fair question to test. Which of the following is a measureable question he could use? a. Which type of music helps a plant grow the tallest? b. Which type of carpet cleaner works the best? c. How many people like to eat pizza? d. Can dogs understand English? Category 1: $300: A

7 A Category 1: $300: Q

8 Give 3 qualitative observations about the room.
Category 1: $400: A

9 Answers will vary Category 1: $400: Q

10 Give 3 quantitative observations about the room
Category 1: $500: A

11 Answers will vary Category 1: $500: Q

12 What does the law of cross cutting relationships say?
Category 2: $100: A

13 Whatever does the cutting is younger than the layers it cuts across
Category 2: $100: Q

14 What does the law of superposition say?
Category 2: $200: A

15 Oldest layer is on the bottom and youngest layer is on the top
Category 2: $200: Q

16 What are the 3 ways rock layers can be disturbed?
Category 2: $300: A

17 Tilting, Folding, Faulting
Eleanor M. Savko 5/21/2019 Tilting, Folding, Faulting Category 2: $300: Q

18 What is the definition of an unconformity?
Category 2: $400: A

19 A gap in geologic time Category 2: $400: Q

20 What are the 2 criteria for a fossil to be considered and Index Fossil?
Category 2: $500: A

21 Existed only during a short period of time and occurred in large geographic areas
Category 2: $500: Q

22 Which type of dating gives the exact age of a rock or fossil?
Category 3: $100: A

23 Radiometric Dating Category 3: $100: Q

24 A Trilobite has turned into a fossil
A Trilobite has turned into a fossil. It has a half-life of 10,000 years and started with 1,000 parent atoms. Fill in the following chart. Half Life Parent Atoms Daughter Atoms Category 3: $200: A

25 Half Life Parent Atoms Daughter Atoms  0  1,000  10,000 500 20,000 250 750 Category 3: $200: Q

26 What is a half life? Category 3: $300: A

27 the time needed for one-half of the parent atoms to turn into daughter atoms
Category 3: $300: Q

28 How do scientists find the absolute age of a fossil or rock?
Category 3: $400: A

29 By counting the number of parent and daughter atoms
Category 3: $400: Q

30 Use the graph to determine how old a fossil is if it has 30,000 parent atoms.
Category 3: $500: A

31 6 Category 3: $500: Q

32 Give an example of an event that would be an example of uniformitarianism
Category 4: $100: A

33 Answers will vary Category 4: $100: Q

34 How old do scientists think the Earth is?
Category 4: $200: A

35 4.6 billion years old Category 4: $200: Q

36 Use the Geological Timeline to determine how long the dinosaurs were alive.
Category 4: $300: A

37 165 million years Category 4: $300: Q

38 Piece the core samples together to create a full geologic column.
Category 4: $400: A

39 Category 4: $400: Q

40 Put the layers in order from youngest to oldest
Category 4: $500: A

41 E, erosion, G, L, C, H, erosion, M, D, J, A, erosion, N, K, B, F, erosion
Category 4: $500: Q

42 Final Jeopardy What is my favorite NFL team, and who is my favorite player on that team?

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