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370 Alexander the Great Ruled 336- 323.

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Presentation on theme: "370 Alexander the Great Ruled 336- 323."— Presentation transcript:

1 370 Alexander the Great Ruled

2 Sources Callisthenes Nearchus Onesicritus Diodorus Trogus Plutarch
Arrian Anabasis of Alexander

3 Support of Philip’s generals Hegemon
Antipater Hegemon Rebellions in Thrace, Thebes, and Illyria Invasion of “Asia” 334 A stop in Troy

4 Battle of Issus 333 Darius III Capture of the royal family Tyre Gaza


6 Egypt Oracle of Zeus-Ammon at Siwah Son of Ammon Alexandria Battle of Gaugamela 331 Babylon, Susa, Persepolis

7 The Orientalization of Alexander
Bessus and Darius 330 Satrap Fall of Darius Iranian Revolts The Orientalization of Alexander Proskynesis Dress Persians in his court

8 Asassination plots Murder of Cleitus 328 Death of Callisthenes India Battle of Hydaspes 326 Refusal to continue Gedrosia

9 Back in Babylon Orientalization of the army Mutinies
A doctor’s death and deification 324 Death









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