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New London Choice Middle School School Improvement Plan

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1 New London Choice Middle School School Improvement Plan 2008-2011
Jency Speight, Principal Julie Wittman, SIT chairman

2 At NLCMS, we believe each child deserves and receives quality educational opportunities with emphasis on social development that meets the individual needs of each child. Nurturing the academic Lives of Children and Motivating Students to succeed!

3 School Profile 355 total population (419, 09/10)
11% Asian & black, 87% white 26% exceptional, 19% AIG 38% free & reduced lunch Math – 95%, Reading – 85% Met AYP School of High Growth

4 Goal I: Stanly County Schools will produce globally competitive students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes, necessary to be responsible contributing students. Based upon last year’s test scores there continues to be an achievement gap between students with disabilities and the general student population. In order to meet the needs of the 21st century, students and teachers will utilize technology to enhance teaching and learning.

5 Increase reading test scores by 5% Maintain math achievement
Objectives for Goal I Increase reading test scores by 5% Maintain math achievement Increase science scores by 5% Continue to make AYP Students will be proficient in computer skills and teachers will increase technology skills in the classroom Students will increase writing proficiency through integration in all curricular areas Decrease achievement gap between sub-groups

6 Goal I Action Plan Continue benchmarking, Pfeiffer tutors, PLC, subject-area meetings, Truett Preslar - data review, team planning with computer teacher, middle school conference, technology SD New reading & EC SD, SIOP training, QP, teacher tutorial

7 Reduce teacher turnover rate by 10%
Goal II: SCS will be led by 21st Century professionals with skills to deliver 21st century content in a 21st century context. Reduce teacher turnover rate by 10% Teacher survey will indicate 90% approval

8 Objectives for Goal II Decrease teacher turn over rate
SD opportunities provided to all staff

9 NEW teacher committee (New Educator Workshop), ILT 1-3 years
Goal I Action Plan NEW teacher committee (New Educator Workshop), ILT 1-3 years In house SD (SIOP, reading, technology & EC) PLC

10 Goal III: Stanly County students will be healthy and responsible.
Increase student attendance A safe school environment will be evidenced by 85% satisfaction rate on parent and staff surveys.

11 Objectives for Goal III
Increase student attendance rate by 0.5%. Provide a safe school environment for staff and students and provide student awareness information to parents through community resources.

12 Quarterly recognition for attendance
Goal III Action Plan SD provided by school nurse, physical education teacher and Pfeiffer University to include strategies for students well being Quarterly recognition for attendance Analyze, maintain, and practice emergency management plan to ensure safety for all students at all times Collaborate with PTA and community resources to conduct programs on internet, music and gang awareness.

13 Goal IV: Leadership will guide innovation in Stanly County schools.
Staff Development will focus on at-risk students & students with disabilities. The Parent Involvement Coordinator will implement strategies to increase parent involvement.

14 Objectives for Goal IV Utilize PLC SD opportunities in the areas of reading, writing, technology and SIOP will be provided. NLCMS will provide equitable learning opportunities and access to technology for the improvement of instruction for students. Opportunities for family-school and business partnerships will increase by 10%. Parents’ survey reflecting positive, on-going communication between family/school will increase by 3%.

15 Goal IV Action Plan SD opportunities will strengthen instruction Integrate 21st century skills into all grade levels Maintain grade level planning Utilize computer labs Provide parent awareness programs Increase home/school communication Pursue business partnerships Increase parent involvement through the Parent Involvement Coordinator

16 Continue to provide clean and well-kept facilities.
Goal V:SCS will be governed by 21st Century support systems and will utilize federal, state, and local funds to provide operational programs that are designed to enhance the learning environment of all students, support student growth, and maintain clean and efficient facilities. Continue to provide clean and well-kept facilities. Parent Survey indicates 85% of parents agree that the facility is kept clean and in good repair.

17 Student achievement scores for at-risk students will increase by 3%.
Objectives for Goal V Clean and well-kept facilities will continue to improve as evidenced by a 5% increase in parent surveys. New London will ensure that the facilities are well maintained and safe. Student achievement scores for at-risk students will increase by 3%.

18 Goal V Action Plan SOS committee will implement strategies for facilities improvement Maintain custodial cleaning schedule Truett Preslar to review data with EC teachers Subject Area committee to co-plan with EC teachers EC SD – Best Practices Reading SD SIOP training QP

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