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Estimator Design For Engine Speed Limiter

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Presentation on theme: "Estimator Design For Engine Speed Limiter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Estimator Design For Engine Speed Limiter
Presented By: Beshir, Abeba Kharrat, Amine Hu, Zhiyuan Sun,Yu He, Nan Professor: Riadh Habash TA: Wei Yang

2 Contents References Background Project Objective
Kalman Observer & Design Experiment & Results Conclusion

3 References Engine Speed Limiter for Watercrafts Engine Speed Control
Philippe Micheau, R. Oddo and G. Lecours, from IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology VOL 14, NO 3, May 2006. Engine Speed Control Peter Wellstead and Mark Readman, control systems An Observer-Based Controller Design Method for Improving Air/Fuel characteristics of Spark Ignition Engines By Seibum B. Choi and J. Karl Hedrick, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 6, NO. 3, MAY 1998 Kalman Filter Tutorial

4 Background 3 cases: watercraft propeller:
Fully loaded (completely submerged) Partially loaded (partially submerged) Unloaded (completely emerged)

5 Project Objective Design observer to estimate state variables:
Load Torque (Tload) Engine Speed (N)

6 Observer (State Estimation)
y(t) Plant Observer (state estimator) xhat(t) u(t) Xhat(t) = Nhat, Tloadhat (2 state variables) u(t) = Teng y(t) = N, Tload (2 outputs)

7 System Modeling

8 System Modeling (cont’d)

9 System Modeling (cont’d)
To estimate TLoad.

10 Kalman Filter Estimates the state of a system for measurements containing random errors (noise). Relatively recent development in filtering (1960)

11 Kalman Filter (Cont’d)
Circles -- vectors, Squares -- matrices Stars -- Gaussian noise with the associated covariance matrix at the lower right. Fk -- state transition model Bk -- control-input model wk -- the process noise

12 Kalman Filter (Cont’d)
Kalman Filter phases:

13 Experiment & Results Input Data (Teng)

14 Experiment & Results (Cont’d)
Output Data (N, TLoad)

15 Conclusion Kalman filter provides good estimate of state variables in presence of noise/disturbance. Advantages: Can achieve virtually any filtering effect Forecasting characteristics using Least-Square model Reduce “False alarms” (filter disturbances) optimal multivariable filter

16 Conclusion (Cont’d) Examples of application:
aerospace; marine navigation; nuclear power plant instrumentation; demographic modeling; manufacturing, and many others. Limitations/ Future improvements: Speed: filter speed is limited by the system architecture Cost

17 Questions ?

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