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Science/ Social Studies

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1 Science/ Social Studies
A Peek at This Month in… Mrs. Guinta’s 3rd Grade Class February Reminders Make sure your child knows Multiplication tables 0-10 by memory. On Monday February 11, I will send home a study guide for the Religion Bee. We will have an in class Religion Bee to determine who will be in the school one. Math We have moved from Multiplication to Division. As the students learn to break apart numbers into equal groups, they need to continue to memorize their multiplication tables. Reading We continue to learn how to ask/answer questions referring explicitly to the text in Literature and Informational Text. We are adding in story structure. Spelling/Vocabulary We are working on the vocabulary words from the text and homophone spelling words. If you have any questions please me at Writing We are learning about Verbs in the Past and Future times. We are also working on writing an Opinion Essay Science/ Social Studies In Social Studies, we are learning about the different European explorers including; the Spanish and the English. In Science, we are moving on to learn about space. Specifically about the Moon, Sun and Earth. Upcoming Events Library is every Tuesday – Students need to return their book every week. If they do not return a book, they are not allowed to check out a new one. PE is every Friday – Students need to be in PE uniform. Religion Bee – Thursday March 7 (not sure of the time) Religion We continue to learn about how God love’s us and how he has shown his love to different people.

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