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(I like to make power points)

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Presentation on theme: "(I like to make power points)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (I like to make power points)
Welcome! Ms. Coon

2 A little about me… I have taught English Literature and Writing in North Carolina for about 7 years. I started teaching by homeschooling my 4 grown children. I am a US Army veteran. I served 10 years. I loved being in the military. I am a sit back, barefoot, nature lovin, wanna be outdoors —all the time, kind of gal… My former students know me as the Barefoot Teacher…I hate wearing shoes! I’m am passionate about learning and believe education empowers! I am marrying my Middle/High sweetheart in January. I am a published writer. I am currently working on 2 memoirs.

3 Now tell me about YOU! Please fill out the student survey.
Tell me all your secrets!

4 Expectations/Rules Respect! I will respect you, so please respect me and each other, as well as my room and my stuff. This means not talking while others are talking, and ESPECIALLY not talking while others are reading. This is my biggest pet peeve! Also, please clean up after yourselves. I’m not your mother or your maid.

5 Expectations/Rules Cell phones! This is another pet peeve of mine. This is SCHOOL POLICY! I should NOT see it. If I do, it’s mine for the rest of the day. You can pick it up after school. This goes for ear buds too. That’s just rude!

6 Expectations/Rules Stay on task! We are here in school to learn. You can socialize on your own time. I expect you to complete class assignments in the given time, and when you are in groups you should be discussing your assignment, and not weekend plans or anything else. If you are in a group and stay off task, you will be working alone.

7 Expectations/Rules Bring your own supplies! If you need a pencil, highlighter, etc. ask a friend. If you need to borrow something from me, I’ll be happy to help, but I will borrow something from you. Tissues, a pack of pencils, some paper, hand sanitizer, whatever

8 Expectations/Rules When you finish classwork, place it in your binder and return it to the bin for your corresponding class period, or follow the passing procedure to turn it in directly to me. I will try my best to grade and return all work as soon as possible. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

9 Expectations/Rules Cheating/plagiarism is NOT acceptable. If you are found committing these acts, you will receive a referral and a zero for the assignment. Do your own work. BIG speech here! Show cheating file from last year. Explain consequences. Give examples of college students who have had their degrees revoked. If ONE reading log is plagiarized, they ALL receive a zero!

10 Expectations/Rules Write legibly! If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it, so you’ll receive a zero or a lowered grade. Complete your assignments!!!! If you don’t do your work, you won’t pass the class, and this will bring down your GPA and chances of graduation and getting into college. Think about your future!!!! This is YOUR responsibility!!!

11 Expectations/Rules These expectations and rules are subject to expand and/or change due to class need or my own crazy whim.

12 Procedures When you enter the room, turn your phone OFF and put it in the holder on the wall! 1 Pick up your binder from the appropriate bin. 2 Take your seat and begin your “Do Now” that will be on the board. (English IV) 3 Open your binder to your “CNN 10- So What?” section and prepare for the news. (AICE) 4

13 Procedures I DON’T LIKE giving bathroom passes! We are covering important information every day and when you leave, you miss it. DON’T MAKE IT A HABIT! If you need to use the restroom, sign the log, and take the pass. You do not need to interrupt class by asking, just raise your hand and point, and wait for my nod. One student out at a time. If we are taking notes, DON’T BOTHER ASKING. I will ONLY allow students out when we are doing group work or if they have completed whatever activity we are working on. If you are gone for a while, I WILL send security after you. If you are found anywhere else except the where you’re supposed to be, you will LOSE bathroom privileges.

14 Procedures Two or three minutes before the bell, we will close the class and everyone is responsible for their own area. This means putting your desk back in the proper place, putting your binder back in the bin, and looking around your area for any trash. I don’t want to hear, “But it’s not mine!” If there is anything around you, pick it up! You are part of a community! Let’s keep it clean!  After the room is clean, take your seat and wait to be dismissed. DO NOT line up by the door! I hate to be cliché, but the BELL doesn’t dismiss you, I dismiss you! If the room isn’t clean, you’ll stay until it is! Ask for a time keeper and a backup time keeper to remind me when we have about 5 minutes left so I can wrap up and get the kids to clean up.

15 Procedures Need extra help? No problem! I will always be here after school until at least 3:30 and I will be happy to help. Any other time, please see me to make an appointment.

16 Goals: As your teacher, my goal is to help you reach yours! What are your goals for this class?

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