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University of British Columbia

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1 University of British Columbia
A SCW Flow Apparatus for Material Testing and Electrochemical Measurements Steven Rogak Akram Alfantazi Edouard Asselin University of British Columbia May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

2 Outline Background: Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) experiments in flow systems Fouling Heat transfer Corrosion Just starting: Sensor development for supercritical water (fouling and corrosion for relatively clean water) May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

3 SCWO Pilot Plant 1990’s Supercritical Water Oxidation (SCWO) waste destruction “ready to move from chemist’s lab to engineering” UBC-NORAM pilot plant built for waste destruction pilot plant tests heat transfer measurements (eg. H2O/O2) fouling measurements Corrosion experiments: unintended bonus! May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

4 1.5 Kg/min 600C 25 MPa May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

5 Fouling in SCWO Salts (ppm% conc.) insoluble in low-density water precipitate; can form hard or soft deposits (surface growth or bulk nucleation) Sodium carbonate growth on heated tube wall May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

6 Corrosion in SCWO of “Redwater”
Ammonium sulphate solution (high pH at room temperature) destroys Alloy 625 preheater in hours (in presence of oxygen) Literature give no indication that this would happen! May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

7 Corroded Tube Cross Sections
May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

8 What did we learn from SCWO?
Tough technical challenges! Viable only in niche applications (may not justify huge R&D programs) Practical experimental techiques for SCWO might benefit Gen IV (SCWR), where the large “payoff” may justify the effort. May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

9 Sensors for monitoring chemistry in the SCWR
NSERC CRD with AECL; Team: Akram Alfantazi (Materials Eng.) Steve Rogak (Mechanical Eng.) Walter Merida (Mechanical Eng.) Edouard Asselin (Materials Eng.) Glenn Mcrae (AECL) Feb 2009 start; 3 years x $100K Recruiting students and learning more about SCWR reactor requirements May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

10 Broad Objectives Develop reliable reference electrodes
Measure corrosion potentials, pH, complex impedance Detect fouling and/or in-stream solids May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

11 UBC SCW Flow Systems Big system (discussed earlier)
Realistic flow regimes for pilot studies (heat transfer) Expensive to operate Small system (<0.1 kg/min) low tube velocities, but can integrate special materials and test sections easily May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

12 UBC SCWO Put pictures here May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

13 UBC SCW Electrochemical Cell
Unfinished idea from Ed Asselin’s PhD thesis: electrochemistry cell for the flow system. Design completed by Ed’s student; ready to be tested this summer. May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

14 Non-flow reference electrode
Used by Ed Asselin in PhD Potential drift from KCl diffusion through plug ~300 mV bias from thermodiffusion (Oh et al 2004) May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

15 Flow Loop & Flow-Through Reference Electrode
FTRE May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

16 Uncertainty in RE Potential
Liquid Junction Potential (ELJP) – few mV Thermal Liquid Junction Potential (ETJP) – 300 mV? May 17, 2019 HT/HP Electrochemistry

17 Working/Counter Electrode
Design Consideration Electrical isolation of the electrodes from the cell body Sealing/Leakage: what material to use? May 17, 2019 May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

18 Working/Counter Electrode
May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

19 Ideas for work this summer
EIS for coated and uncoated working electrodes (precursor to fouling detection) Sensitivity of reference electrode to flow, concentration and temperature differences May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

20 Conclusions SCWO has technical problems analogous to the proposed SCWR – we can offer something! SCWR contaminants are dilute and have slow effects – some new challenges (for us). Many, diverse corrosion and fouling problems in existing and proposed SCWR plants – where should we start? May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

21 FEM Safety Factor 5000 PSI/500°C – 316 SS
May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

22 Liquid Junction Potential (ELJP)
Electrochemical Engineeringa nd Technology Liquid Junction Potential (ELJP) Henderson Equation: Case 1 Reference Solution 0.01M KCl Test Solution : 1M Na2SO4 ELJP = -10.7mV Case 3 Test Solution : 0.05M Na2SO4 ELJP =-3.74mV Case 2 Reference Solution 0.01M KCl Test Solution : 0.1M Na2SO4 ELJP =- 5.35mV Case 1 May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

23 Thermal Junction Potential
Thermal junction potential = combined effect of heat and ion flux Depends on electrode configuration and flow rates (if any) Soret Effect (Thermal Diffusion) Concentration Gradient Migration of Ion Diffusion Potential Internal Electric Field Thermal Junction May 12, 2009 IAPWS/COG Workshop

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