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Ling-Jyh Chen and Ting-Kai Huang

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1 A Peer-to-Peer Approach for Mobile File Transfer in Opportunistic People Networks
Ling-Jyh Chen and Ting-Kai Huang Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

2 Motivation Internet is part of our lives
We can use the Internet “almost” anywhere/ anytime. Cellular Wi-Fi Hotspots Even with Mobility, we have handover solutions.

3 What will happen when the Internet is not always available?

4 Previous Solutions Infostation-based approaches But,
Mobile Hotspots [19] Ott ’06 [27] But, Dedicated Infostations needed Single point of failure and scalability problems

5 Our Contribution We proposed M-FTP to improve the effectiveness of FTP application in mobile opportunistic networks. Every peer can access the Internet when parts of them have internet access. Proposed a “Collaborative Forwarding algorithm” to further utilize opportunistic ad hoc connections and spare storage in the network.

6 Our Assumption All peers are collaborative.
All peers have local connectivity WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. All peers are mobile. Some peers have Internet access.

7 A peer who can access the Internet directly
M-FTP: Scenario 1 Internet FTP Gateway Peer: A peer who can access the Internet directly

8 Peer that cannot access Internet directly
M-FTP : Scenario 2a Gateway Peer (B) Vanilla Peer (A): Peer that cannot access Internet directly

9 M-FTP : Scenario 2b Vanilla Peer (A) Vanilla Peer (B)

10 B rcv A’s request B is a GP Y N B and A are connected B has the Requested file Y N Y N Direct forwarding The request has been relayed H times B and A are connected N N Collaborative forwarding Y Y Indirect Forwarding Do nothing Request Forwarding

11 Collaborative Forwarding Algorithm
Goal: Increase the packet delivery ratio and decrease the request response time Method: PROPHET [22] Based on Epidemic Routing Scheme [26] Delivery predictability Caching improves hit rate in the future (esp. for popular pages).

12 Direct Forwarding vs. Indirect Forwarding
B has complete content =>Direct Forwarding algorithm B may only have partial content =>Indirect Forwarding algorithm Further passing the request message using Request Forwarding algorithm

13 Evaluations Evaluate the performance of M-FTP scheme against Mobile Hotspots scheme Service ratio and traffic overhead DTNSIM: Java-based simulator Real-world wireless traces UCSD (campus trace) iMote (Infocom ‘05)

14 The Properties of two network traces
Trace Name iMote UCSD Device PDA Network Type Bluetooth WiFi Duration (days) 3 77 Devices Participating 274 273 Number of Contacts 28,217 195,364 Avg # Contacts/pair/day

15 Parameter Settings Number of GPs Number of requesters:
γ mobile peers Number of requesters: 20% of the other peers (VPs) Number of requests: first 10% of simulation time with a Poisson rate of 1800 sec/request. The FTP requests: top 100 requested iTunes songs , As report as in iTune store on Sep

16 UCSD scenario γ= 20% γ= 60%

17 iMote scenario γ= 20% γ= 60%

18 Traffic Overhead γ M-FTP (A) Mobile Hotspots (B) Normalized Overhead
(A/B) iMote 20% 22,170 5,866 3.78 40% 23,932 6,613 3.62 60% 24,696 7,197 3.43 UCSD 1,425,943 269,834 5.28 1,510,094 261,653 5.77 1,535,310 261,820 5.86

19 Conclusion We propose the solution, M-FTP, that can provide effective data transfer on the go. Peer to peer No dedicated devices M-FTP implements a Collaborative Forwarding algorithm that takes advantage of opportunistic encounters.

20 Thank You! 22

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